A Conversation for Rugby


Post 1

Loose muscle

Fools! Rugby is a beautiful game. This is because it is the only game that Wales can beat England in


Post 2

tsi nobmort

I wasn't sure that a Welsh victory had actually occured recently but after checking out
your home page I see that Wales did indeed triumph. Congratulations on behalf of my Welsh wife
(by way of Pategonia and Southern Ontario- Canadians never seem to lose their hyphenated
identities. I, for instance, am a Russian-Czech-Scottish-Irish-English-Welsh-Canadian.)
Excuse my ignorance, I am in the unfortunate position of being a rugby fan in Canada.
I also chose not to have cable TV this year. For whatever reason regular commercial TV just
doesn't cover Rugby. Internet pages can give me the stats but scores are
no substitute for seeing the game in action. But it is May and that means that the Canadian tradition of
nightly Hockey playoffs on the tube (tely) is in full swing. At least I can watch some sort of violent, chaotic


Post 3


I'm sorry but Wales only won because englad had some very bad lucck and gave away lots of points.All wales' points were given to them by England exept the last try which i have to give them was quite a good move.


Post 4


I play hockey three times a week and i find the danger in exilarating. just knowing that you could break a bone with a chek(barge)gone wrong.The feeling hockey gives me is amazing.


Post 5

Zog the questionable

Wales Cheated!!! They had Max Boyce & Tom Jones Singing before the match and as everyone knows two Welshmen make a choir. This was the equivelent, for England, of listening to Ulan Caloophid's Poetry. Need I say more?


Post 6


The Hong Kong world rugby 7s was on the TV here in Germany this spring and Canada done quite good, better than England who were not there


Post 7


Max Boyce ?
a contradiction in terms
a welsh comedian


Post 8


smiley - bigeyes
I do have to say that when tom jones and max boyce say every welsh man and his doy stood up and sang. wales had the most amazing support and endland didn't have one celebrity to sig for them and that is not fair. wales did cheet.


Post 9

tsi nobmort

Come to think of it, I do remeber a certain Welsh scrum collapsing repeatedly on their goal
line to thwart what would have been a certain Canadian try and an upset victory at the
inagaural World Cup...


Post 10

Curry Dog

Welsh rugby certainly has improved since Graham Henry took over. Isn't it strange how the World Cup has never been held by a northern hemisphere team. Looks like it's coming back to NZ, where it belongs, again.


Post 11


here here - personally I have never been an Auckland supporter (Graham Henry's provincial side in NZ) as I am a loyal Harbour fan through and through. However it is great to see the Welsh side doing so well under him. Wales have played with heart and soul and still lost, and now they are getting to do some of the winning and that can only be a very good thing. Especially for rugby in general, because it would be great to see the northern hemisphere start playing the more expansive southern hemisphere game. Now if only we could get the refs to see it that way - particularly that Bevan guy from the Bledisloe last Saturday. Honestly you'd swear he was paid per whistle low.

I have to ask why on earth did they change the name of Cardiff Arms?! I have never been there (yet) but I was looking forward to standing there, engulfed by Welsh song, while the Welsh wasted some English arse, but now they're changed the name it just doesn't feel right.


Post 12

The Fashion Police

I LOVE rugby a lot more now that I have discovered my sexuality
Hey Boys

No really check out my sight I love rugby!!!!

(By the way my girlie friend chose the name so don't laugh...RIGHT!!!)


Post 13

The Fashion Police

I LOVE rugby a lot more now that I have discovered my sexuality
Hey Boys

No really check out my sight I love rugby!!!!

(my girlie friend picked the name so don't laugh...RIGHT!!!)


Post 14

The Fashion Police

was it somthing I said?


Post 15

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

I am writing a guide entry on the Rugby World Cup. It will be submitted at the end of the tournament in an appropriate form.

In the meantime I am posting scores, quotes and incidents. Please come along and add anything you think should be included, either in the running article or the final guide entry. Credits will be included. It can be found at -


Spanner Girl, it was good to hear Keith Quinn (NZ rugby commentator) calling the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff Arms Park. I was there in the 70s when Wales were one of leading playing nations in the world. The singing then was magnificent.

It was even better at this year's opening ceremony. Well done Wales. Awesome. smiley - bigeyes


Post 16


Unfortunately i have managed to miss every world cup game so far, due to my abysmal ignorance and time management. the day the world cup started i moved out, from a rugby mad house, into a non-rugby house. this is creating a few problems (mainly that i don't get to see the games smiley - sadface) but i'm working on it. i will be back in the rugby mad house soon, but my exams end the day before the final. oh woe.

however from what i heard we (All Blacks) were pretty damn lucky to beat Tonga. oh dear, not a good start (although all power to Tonga, i hope they do well).

i should imagine it would be brilliant to hear Quinny call at Cardiff Arms - i refuse to call it millenium stadium - cardiff arms has too much history for me. bet the welsh sang well. sigh. how glorious it would be to watch NZ run out on to the field at cardiff arms, to play the welsh, with the crowd in full song. well i can dream.


Post 17

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Spanner Girl, I will be on line, with drinks on/in hand, throughout the whole wonderul experience of New Zeakland WINNING the world cup

Please get on ICQ and help raise the roof (noise, dodgy clothing, bad hair, words with three sylables)


Post 18


words with three syllables?! please illustrate with examples. i think i'll be yelling a lot of "spin it wide" and "hurry up Just" (because marshall is always so damn slow at clearing the ball - don't get me wrong, i think he's a great player, he's just even slower than tonu'u which i didn't previously think was possible - is it just me or has he (Just) got slower lately?)

anyway i just got to meet eric rush. like about an hour ago - he popped his head into this very room where i am now (at uni) and i said "you're eric rush" (what was i thinking) and he said "yes" and i took him up to the room he was supposed to be speaking in, and pointed out my co-housesitter (why can't i just put flatmate, it's shorter) who he was looking for, because she was organising the event he was speaking at (the University Blues Awards). Of course i told him i was a big harbour fan, but otherwise i managed to restrain myself from berating him about the team's performance of late. although they seem to be winning an awful lot more since i lost my harbour scarf. and i've had that scarf for six years, so maybe that explains a lot. anyway he seems very nice. not as tall as i had expected thou'. it's a bit disconcerting to be surfing h2g2 and look up and unexpectedly see one of your fav rugby players. you should try it sometime.

sorry this is so long, but i had to share.

hey how was Mehrts' kicking on sunday? (we have no paper either) good to see Tony Brown on the bench against England - hope he gets to play.


Post 19

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Spanner Girl I have cut and pasted your rave and I am going to post it in the Rugby World Cup forum on my home page. Excellent stuff. Please follow your story over to my rugby forum smiley - bigeyes


Post 20

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

3 syllables - some female friends of mine use - "get ya gear off"

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