This is the Message Centre for jane_sapien

I know where you live!

Post 1

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

OK, I could be really evil smiley - evilgrin and follow you around without letting on that I know who you are or something silly, or I could just admit that - unless I've grossly miscalculated and am now completely confusing an innocent stranger - I figured out by a not-very-complex line of deductive reasoning who you were 'cos I was talking to you when you signed up.

smiley - erm And stuff.

Anyway, do come on in, smiley - dontpanic as the nice ACE lady says. If you want some time-wasting places to lurk with smiley - silly people, may I recommend <./>askH2G2</.>, United Friends of H2G2Space (A703126), or, of course, The Campaign to Rename Thursday "Thing" (A516647) smiley - spork Or, for more serious stuff, The Forum (A1146917).

So, yeah, this was really just so that you'd be able to find me again on here, 'cos I may be sad enough to remember my own U-number, but I suspected you probably wouldn't. smiley - cake

smiley - erm[IMSoP]smiley - geek

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