A Conversation for Bonsai for Beginners

i just bought a bonsia tree

Post 1


hi i havent had a bonsia before, so i want to make sure it doesnt die can anyone help me??

i just bought a bonsia tree

Post 2


There is general help available at http://www.makebonsai.com/guide/. Also if you know the species you have you most probably will find detailed information on how to look after it here. smiley - smileysmiley - cheers

i just bought a bonsia tree

Post 3


This is a good website with information for beginners;

You might also want to try buying a book or joining some bonsai club!

i just bought a bonsia tree

Post 4


Green India Plants have wide range of plants. So turn your garden into a mini sanctuary with a wide variety of plants and flowers, available at Green India Plants.

For more info: http://www.greenindiaplants.com

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