A Conversation for Bonsai for Beginners
Your Bonsai must have grown.....
AlsoRan80 Started conversation Jul 20, 2009
Dear Captain kebab,
You wrote this nearly seven years ago, so your Bonsai must gave turned into a sturdy miniature of it's parents. How lovely. the suggestion of using a hawthorn or pyrecanta seems an excellent one.As you say the leaves will generally always be in proportion to the miniturisation.
I love bonsai but do not have the patience. So when I was in Hong Kong on a visit to my daughter and son many moons ago I bought a lovely rose quartz miniature bonsai, which does me very nicely I just have to remember to clean it and make the crystal sparkle. !!.
Nice to meet you. I wish I had the time to do bonasai. It is something \i must consider doing later....
Kind regards
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Your Bonsai must have grown.....
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