This is the Message Centre for Researcher Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 21


I'm afraid I don't know the names of any harbour masters but it shouldn't be too difficult to find out, especially as it was only 30 years ago. Local maritime historians and local records should tell you. Have you done an internet search for local history groups in the Dover area? These sort of groups are usually more than happy to help people trying to track things down.

I see your problem with pain relief. Most drugs for arthritis are related to aspirin. Finger crossed that the surgeon suggests something effective.

Ooo, blinding flash of inspiration. Census information is being put on the internet. You might be able to find more about your family from that. I'm afraid I don't know the URL but a search should find it. I remember looking through census info a few years ago and having to go to the local archives and trawl through micro-film. It took a very long time that way.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 22

Researcher Marj

Thanks for sympathy and info. I might find it harder to access from here in Oz. I am also waiting for a new P.C, mine is pretty old and keeps playing up so I don't like to take it too far into the wild blue yonder. Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 23

Researcher Marj

Forgot to say Surgeon was so late calling me in, I had new X rays taken and have to go back to clinic on 10th april. More time wasted. They are so overrun in the out patients. He even forgot me for half an hour, then couldn't remember having seen me. It wasn't the big guy. I hope if they operate I hope don't get him. He might forget something in my knee. I told him that, he was so devoid of humour he said "there will only be you on the table at an operation" I'm afraid this did not make me feeel any safer. The chap I was supposed to see just wandered around some of the rooms with a suit on, he didn't examine anyone. Too High and Mighty I suppose being an Mr. as opposed to Dr. cheers again Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 24


smiley - grr Doctors can be so full of their own importance smiley - steam My best wishes for you, I hope you get everything sorted.

I did a quick internet search and have found this page of local links about Dover I hope this is of some help to you. It contains local history and genealogists. Even if it isn't of any help you'll probably find some of the links interesing. Good luck with your search.

I had a lovely time this weekend. My Grandad (Mum's father) turned 80 this month and we had a large party in his local village hall. It was wondeful to be able to get all the family together for the first time in 20 years. Like everywhere else now, the village has changed. A housing estate has been built, younger residents (like my immediate family) have moved away and new families have moved in. When I grew up there everyone knew each other and most people were related to each other. Everyone went to the local school. All my grandparents' friends knew my parents when they were both growing up. It was like stepping back in time for the day. Even the entertainment was a chap playing old tunes on the keyboard with everyone singing and doing old-time dances. My Nan trying to dance Knees Up Mother Brown without falling over after having had rather a lot of sherry was funny and something I made sure I captured on video smiley - biggrin I can't wait for my Mum to edit the tapes and we can all sit down and have a good giggle.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 25

Researcher Marj

Hi Deakie sounds like you had a real good time. I can remember doing knees up when I lived in England (Oh! wish I still did) I couldn't do it now though as I would fall over. You Grandad was it, is the same age as my husband so It looks as if I am old enough to be your Grandma. I have 12 Grandchildren anyway, not that I see many and 12 soon to be 13 Greats hardly see them either. I have one photo with eleven grandchildren all together some were babies now the youngest is 21. It is on one of the bbc web sites I can't remember where I put it, wouldn't be allowed to say. I had one knock back when I first started on here so I try to be careful now. I had food poisoning on Easter Sunday, still have eggs and a rabbit I daren't eat yet although I am over it. I had to call a locum in, took 2 hours because of the holiday. Nice to hear your news keep in touch Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 26


I've had postings moderated because I broke the house rules without realising too. The rules have changed recently though. You can write the URL of a site in postings as long as the contents of the linked site do not break the house rules. Writing the URL of a BBC site is safe though, they have always been allowed as h2g2 is a part of the BBC website.

My Nan very nearly did fall over. She's not very steady on her feet anyway and she'd had a few sherries. It was wonderful to see her enjoying herself though. She had a health scare at the end of last year (a small stroke) and had become very down. Planning my Grandad's party and organising the family really gave her something to look forward to and she's back to her old self. Everyone commented on how well she looked. My Nan only has 5 grandchildren and I'm the eldest. No great-grandchildren as yet, much to her disappointment! I'm very close to my Nan and we're very alike. I'm far more like her than I am my mum. We share very similar tastes and we are both highly organised and tidy. I usually go and stay with my grandparents at least once a year plus I visit for days. They don't live very far away (about 20 miles) but I don't drive and both they and I are very busy so I don't see them as often as I would like. My Nan's funny too, whenever I phone she tells me I'm running up my phone bill and won't talk for long!

I suppose you are old enough to be my grandmother, I am only a few years older than your youngest grandchild. That's why I love the internet, it provides the opportunity for meeting and getting to know so many people that I wouldn't otherwise. Was the link to Dover Websites any use?

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 27

Researcher Marj

Hi! Deakie do you go to the Kent site I visit it a lot, I feel so close to Dover. I also go to two counties, they have given me a space for myself under over 2U so if you want to see some pics of me young and old do visit it. Hope you are well, I have had a variety of troubles, touch wood getting over them now. Booked to have hand operation in July on list now for knee op but a bit doubtful about having that one. Cheers marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 28


I hadn't heard of the Kent site or two counties. I'll have to have a look.

Things are going OK with me. The morris side I belong to was dancing near Dover a few weeks ago, in Kearnsey Abbey. It was a really pleasant day. I managed to get a pink face from being in the sun all say. I hadn't realised how strong the sun was as it was only the beginning of April.

I return to college this week after 6 weeks on a hospital ward. It's nice not to have to get up so early in the morning. Not so nice having only 2 weeks to write my essays though.

I'm now looking forward to May weekend. I'll be dancing all weekend. It will be great fun and rather tiring. On Monday we're processing through the town and singing (not at the same time). I'm not going to be getting up for sunrise in 1st May, however. I don't think I'll bother washing my face in morning dew, soap and tap water seems fine to me smiley - winkeye

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 29

Researcher Marj

Hi! Deakie glad your life is going well. April has not been a good month for me. I have had a lot of useless tests yet the doctor cannot decide what is wrong with my head. I cannot lay on my left or back without going dizzy. She said it was my neck, I didn't think so but had another X ray that was no different from one ages ago so why would it start now. I asked to see a neurologist as I know I have fallen twice and hit the back of my head. So she took a blood test and said we will see when you come back for that. Then as she is only there 2 days a week I have to wait till May 9th. If it was my neck it would hurt when I turn it, it is only when I lay down, I go round and round. Oh well saves paying for a merry go round. Your life sounds so typically English. I would have loved to see you dance Good luck with the nursing Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 30


I'm sorry to hear things have got worse. Have you had the test results back yet?

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 31

Researcher Marj

Have had a lot of tests, been tried on pills, nothing has helped my head. Seeing Doctor again tomorrow she thinks it is inner ear trouble, I think I have a blood block up the back of my head. Still with all my other aches and pains and being resigned at last, that I can't live forever. I am inclined to forget everything, and have decided to have no operations either. You know how you sign yourself :O) well a girl called Julie signs like that on the writers room message board. Would that be you, funny if it was, as she and I didn't get off to a good start, although O.K. Now. Thanks for your enquiry. Will keep you posted. We are waiting to move from where we live, that will be a relief, too far from shops. Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 32


No, I'm not Julie, but it is funny how people don't always get off to a good start but then get on fine. I don't post anywhere but on h2g2 as I just don't have the time. I rarely have the time to come on here anymore smiley - sadface Things have eased up a bit for the moment but it won't be long until I'm up to my eyeballs in work again.

Sorry you're still not feeling any better. I suppose there is only so much medical treatment one person can put up with before they've had enough and it's all about weighing up the pros and cons of it. I don't blame you for not wanting operations either. I suppose you'd need to be sure that they'd help before you went through with all that.

I hope you find a suitable new home. It's a nuisance being too far away from the shops.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 33

Researcher Marj

I didn't really think you were that Julie but you never know so thought I would ask. I have been following the soccer. I am surprised you don't go to the Kent site instead of this weird one as I think our converstions are the most normal. I am trying to help write their Larry Trotter story also a friend of mine in America as no one seems to bother much in England I sent them one short story they have put on but another is still waiting or they don't intend putting it on. It is under Your space writing. No I am still not O.K. Still having dizzynes when I lay on my left side or back or rather when I get up from those poxsititions am having more X rays wednesday for mastoid sinuses and my left arm which has got really nbad. I am not so worried about the arthritis as I know I won't get rid of it but I hate my head not being clear. Have definitely decided to only have operations that are vital not elective too many germs in the hospitals these days. Hope you get busy soon As I presume you work as a private nurse Cheers Marj

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