This is the Message Centre for Researcher Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 1


Hello again smiley - smileyI see you've already had a visit from an ACE who has given you some links. How are you finding h2g2 so far? It can be rather confusing at first and it's difficult to keep track of where you've been and who you've talked to but it does get easier, I promise.

Now I'm in your personal space I thought I would welcome you properly with smiley - tea and smiley - cake These little pictures are known as smileys and I think they are wonderful, they are also a really easy way to brighten up what you write. This link leads to the list of codes for the smileys, eg. < hug > without the gaps produces smiley - hug

If you look on the left hand side of your personal space, you'll see a list of conversations you have been involved in or subscribed too. These will link to the postings so you can keep track of all conversations you have. Below these are a list of guide entries you have written. You have two so far, one is the entry about Dover Castle and the other is the introduction. Below the introduction you have written are replies that researchers have written to you. I apologise for mentioning all this if you already know it.

If you would like to change your name from Researcher 188614 to Marj, or anything else, you can click on 'Preferences' at the top of the screen.

I think I'll leave it there as too much info in one go is too confusing. I look forward to hearing from you and if ever you need to ask anything I'll do my best to answer or find someone else who can.


Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 2

Researcher Marj

Thanks for the intro Deakie, I have only just found it. I post things, then I seem to not know where to go to find them. I have added a poem to my Dover piece in my 'My space'. I suppose I am not tied down to that but can go elsewhere. Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 3


Your personal space is like your base on h2g2. The introduction you write tells other researchers a little bit about you, whatever you want people to know. A lot of people also use it to write links to other websites they like. Any conversations you post to or subscribe to are shown on the left hand side of the screen so you can keep track of where you've chatted and who to. As you have found, your journal at the bottom of the page is also a place you can write about things. Of course you are not limited to just your personal space, everywhere on h2g2 is open to you. Exploring entries and other people's personal spaces will help you get used to h2g2.

If you want to look at someone else's personal space you can click on their name at the top of postings. If you click on the 'Who's online' list at the top of the page you'll find a whole list of people online at the moment. Take your time and have a look around. There is plenty to read and to write about.

I like your poem. I'm never sure which side of Kent makes a person a Man of Kent and which side makes a person a Kentish Man, despite being born here and living here. I do know that whichever your father is, I am too as I was born fairly near Dover and I still live in the area smiley - smiley

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 4


I thought I'd start posting to you here again rather than on that other new researcher's space, I hope you don't mnd smiley - smiley

The tests sound horrible but at least the tablets will make you feel much better. From what I understand, thyroid trouble makes you feel absolutely awful. smiley - hug

I was in Dover the other day for training in moving and handling at the hospital. While the castle is still lovely and the surrounding area beautiful, unfortunately the town itself is rather grotty and rundown. It's like so many sea-side towns in England now, the money has gone from them and they lose their former glory. All the old hotels and B&Bs now home the hundreds of immigrants that enter Britian through Dover each week. The hotels are no longer needed for tourists.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 5

Researcher Marj

Hi O, how do you know about that other site, don't tell me you are on it too, now I shall wonder who you are. Otherwise how did you know about the thyroid, puzzled. I thought I was anonymous, shall have to watch what I say now if you have seen my site. Cheers, Marj Actually I was sent an e.mail from the Kent web page that told me about Kentish men etc. but I wasn't sure whether Dover was east west or what, it apparently makes a difference, I will look it up and put it on here when I find it again as I kept the report.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 6


*puzzled look* You told me about your thyroid tests in the other posting here: F83551?thread=164960&post=1741361#p1741361 Posting 10, so you've no need to worry about who I am and I don't know what site you are talking about smiley - smiley

Dover is East Kent, same as me. I think historically there has always been a divide between east and west. I have a feeling that east was taken over by William the Conqueror before west and that at other times places like Thanet were handed over to invaders so they'd leave the rest of the kingdom of Kent alone. I really should know more about my own history. My family can be traced back in east Kent for hundreds of years. My name even originated here. As you can imagine, I feel very strong ties to the area.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 7

Researcher Marj

I am sorry I didn't realise that I had mentioned my trouble on here and there I was trying to puzzle out who you could be on my other site, which is far more interesting than this one. I still can't make out what sex you are. I thought you were a woman but not sure. I haven't many people in England I speak to, they are nearly all Yanks but a few other Countries thrown in. Cheers marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 8

Researcher Marj

Hi O .If you were born west of the Medway you are a Kentish Man or Maid If you were born East of the Medway you are a Man or Maid of Kent. Now I am not sure but I think Dover is east. Would you confirm that. Thanks Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 9


Yup, Dover is definitely East Kent and I am definitely female, therefore I suppose I am definitely a Maid of Kent smiley - smiley There was an interesting spot on the local news the other day about a man who had collected examples of the now extinct Kentish dialect. The words and phrases were unrecognisable. Sadly, very few people even have the Kentish accent anymore. My paternal grandmother used to have it and I've met one other woman who has. It's a shame really.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 10

Researcher Marj

Hi Deakie glad I know your sex now. I didn't realise as a child that they spoke any differently from we Londoners. Perhaps they changed their dialect before I was born 1923. I am glad my Dad was a Man of Kent, sounds better doesn't it. I am very proud of my Father and his Ancestry. Only wish I could find someone who was a relative. Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 11


There would still have been people with the local accent when you were a child although I would guess that people who spoke the dialect would be less. This chap on the news the other night had got most of his information from his grandmother and I would guess he was about 65. From what I gather, the Kentish accent died out when people moved from London down here. Now there are two types of accent in Kent. A form of the East London accent and a form of the West London accent. Interestingly, from what I've read about the origins of the English language, there is a fascinating reason why the British English spelling of some words is so strange. Apparantly, when the English language became written down and standardised, the London pronunciation was used but the Kentish spelling kept. For example: 'knighte' (from Chaucer) would have been pronounced in Kent as K-ni-c-t-er.

There are plenty of local historians and families who research local family trees. Have you looked on the internet?

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 12

Researcher Marj

No I haven't bothered, mainly because of time. Because of my state of health I have to limit my time on the net, going through a few bad spells at the moment. I have a favourite site I am not allowed to mention and I write to so many people, I haven't got a lot of time to even come on here. Hpoefully they will soon decide what is wrong with me and I will have more energy. Although being 78 could be something to do with it. I don't feel old but my darn body does. Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 13


Why aren't you allowed to mention your favourite site? As long as it's content doesn't break the h2g2 house rules, ie. it doesn't contain explicit material, advertising, etc. you should be able to put a link to it on your personal space so that anyone reading your introduction can visit this site if they wish.

I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time at the moment. Hopefully the medics will work out why you're feeling so run down and you can get it sorted. It doesn't matter if you're 28 or 78, you still need to be able to do as much as you can and enjoy yourself.

Well, I know you live in Australia but have Kent roots and that you are 78 and write poetry, so I'll tell you something about me. I'm 24 and training to be a nurse. As you know, I have Kent roots too and I still live in East Kent. I belong to a local Morris side and I'm very proud to be able to continue such an old tradition. I am very much looking forward to our local May Day celebrations. The town I live in is still small and rather old-fashioned (we still have half day closing on a Wednesday for example). I'm by the sea which I love and I have a wonderful view of the sunset over the sea each evening from my window. What is it like where you live?

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 14

Researcher Marj

Hi! Deakie thought this might interest you "MEN OF KENT AND KENTISHMEN"
The association of Kentish Men and Men of Kent was formed in 1913. This follows a long tradition of distinction between two halves of Kent, established in pre-Saxon times. Kentish Men (or Maids) of Kent are those born to the west of the Medway, in an area traditionally administered from Maidstone, Men (or Maids) of Kent are those born to the east of the Medway, the area traditionally administered by Canterbury. So I guess that finally clears that one up. Incidentally how are you doing? well I hope. I am still up and down, still having blood tests hope to get a final decision on whether I am O.K. or not apart from low thyroid next week. I feel better taking the "oroxide" but am still only on a very low dose 50mcg per day. I might only need that amount. Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 15

Researcher Marj

Sorry Deakie I missed this one thanks for telling me all about yourself, why you are young enough to be my grandaughter. Your place you live in sounds nice and I like the idea of Wednesday arvo closing. I have been busy writing for television drama not much hope but at least I found out at long last how they wanted their script form, nearly drove me mad but I persevered, as I had a reply to a story I sent within 21 days, so thought well they must be interested a bit. So I sent a different one in, in their script form. Not expecting much though. The site I mentioned was Xanga it has a lot of different parts, I write on it under writing with a different name and I am in contact with people all over the world. Not ICQ though. So I hope they let this through as I am not advertising anything. Do get in touch again. Re my health I am not any worse and should know more next Tuesday of 2 blood tests done 3 weeks ago when I return to my Doctor. I am hoping to move soon to another area but expect it will all take time, Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 16


Sorry it's taken me a long time to reply. I've not been online recently as I've been so busy. Hope the blood test results were OK.

I live very near Canterbury so I am definitely a Maid of Kent. Of course, the whole of Kent is now administered from Maidstone but I think it's a dump. Give me Canterbury any day smiley - smiley It still feels like there is a divide between East and West Kent, strange really. Maybe it's partly due to the way health authorities have divided the county into East, West and North.

I've never heard of Xanga, it sounds good. I love being able to talk to all sorts of different people all over the world. Good luck with the scripts and if they're not accepted this time, keep trying.

Talk to you soon.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 17

Researcher Marj

Hi Deakie So glad we have found each other again. I was thrilled today. I go to the Wales bbc site, and a man on there has a census form for England for 1881 he asked me for details of my family names and as they were all born in Kent he found my grandfather and grandmother and 3 children born then, I did not know about. My Dad hadn't been born then. I found out my Great Grandfather was a Blacksmith and where he was born in Kent, and he was 71 when that census was done. As far as my Mother's relatives, there were several with their names that were married, so I couldn't tie which one was mine, as the childrens names didn't agree. I was so thrilled he said if I lived in England that all big libraries carry archives of census forms, I could look them up myself. I thought you might be interested in researching you past ones. My health news was better than I expected. I had no bad disease, thyroid is functionuing O.K. on 50 mcg only of oroxine, trouble was my liver, it was like a heavy drinker. Now I haven't had an alcoholic drink for 12 years, so it must be my pain killers, which contain a lot of panadol and I have been taking 5mg of valium for 20 years, so I am gradually coming off that as I don't need it but having taken it for so long I am now down to 3mg a day. I loved Canterbury we visited that last in 1973 and I have some slides of it, and us in the surrounding gardens. I hope you are keeping well, are you married or not, and still nursing. Take care Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 18


My cousins research my family tree and their research goes back hundreds of years. My family name originates in this area and a huge number of my family still live around here. Two brothers emigrated to Holland about a century ago and one of their descendents keeps in contact, plus a man descended from a member of the family who emigrated to Australia made contact to discover more about the family in Kent at the present time. It was fascinating to read his very large amount of research. Through him we discovered that someone my Dad went to school with and works with is related. That was very strange. I am getting used to people asking me if I know 'so and so' or am related to 'so and so' when they read my name. My family is vast, there are a large number of them in this area and I've not even met all my closer relatives let alone all the others.

Canterbury is a gorgeous place. Thankfully it hasn't been over-developed and ruined by new building like other places have. They have finally knocked down the hideous multi-storey carpark that was built in the 1960s and before they rebuild the site they are doing an archaelogical dig there. The dig is open for the public to watch. It's fascinating.

I'm pleased to hear your Thyroid is OK. Liver trouble isn't nice but at least the liver can regenerate if it is rested. Unfortunately paracetamol does damage the liver. If you have needed to take that amount of pain killers, perhaps your doctor needs to review your pain relief and pescribe something more effective. Hope stopping the valium goes OK and that you soon start feeling better.

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 19

Researcher Marj

Glad you have had such good luck in tracing your family. I was just thrilled to know I had a Great Grandad of 71 in 1881. I wish I could go to the libraries and find out more. I see a surgeon tomorrow about my arthritic knees, so hope he can suggest something that doesn't have parecetomol in it but as I am so allergice to Codeine and Aspirin and have been told to be real careful with Morphine and similar, it is hard. Plus I don't want to take anything that will dull my mind. Proabably, haven't got too many years left I can use it. I suppose you wouldn't know the names of any Harbour Masters of about thirty tears ago. As my Aunt's son was one but I can never think of the place, it was somewhere near Dover. Keep in touch Cheers Marj

Hi Marj, I found you :0)

Post 20

Researcher Marj

I don't know whether I will be allowed to say this but if you go to the Kent page on the BBC website, on the funpage of people sending in snaps, is a photo of eleven of my grandchildren. Now the baby is 21 and the tallest boy 35. So if this goes through you could have a peep. .Cheers Marj

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