This is the Message Centre for dhalgren

Day 2

Post 1


I have looked round this sight again and have no idea what is going on. I suppose i could contact one of those nice people who contact you. Everyone else seems to be desperately crazy...whilst my page is solemn...

Today was beautiful, the sun was so bright and low in the sky. The snow brilliant white and crisp underfoot. For some reason they had not gritted the everyone drove at 20 mph...which made a change from the usual mad dash towards town. The sky was so blue that it made your heart leap when you looked into it. I guess that soon we will return to the same grey false ceiling of low clouds - but i hope this weather stays until the new year...some kind of auspicious sign of a hopeful future.

I think i will make of them will be to tell no-one what they are.

Day 2

Post 2

Andy R.... East London, Guitar, Cider, Europe, Ponds, Usenet, China


I looked around this site and decided that really, nothing very much is going on.

I suppose a lot of people feel the need to try to be amusing, which is why they appear desperately crazy. Others spend too much time on the net until they become genuinely crazy.

With that much snow my guess is that you are in Scotland, but you don't have to say how wrong I am.
Difficult to be all that hopeful after the mess that was 2001, and with
the situation in the subcontinent heading dangerously towards conflict any day now, but who knows. Maybe in a couple of months everything will have changed. It usually does.

Day 2

Post 3

The cat in the hat (Armoire of Missing Persons) A 1001% Xcentric United Friend

It seems to me that you have joined the "Is there anybody out there ?" clan see my page, seems like everything happens when you're not looking dosn't it.

Day 3

Post 4



This site is deceptively interesting...until you look at some of the articles etc. which seem full of peoples misconceptions and fantasies. But i suppose if they are happy then all well and good.

I am in Manchester not Scotland (unfortunatley).

I think the Kashmir situation has lots of potetnial for disater in the coming year...though I hope that there are enough sensible people there who can see that blowing things up is not a solution. What a good example we and the USA have set them!

Anyway despite this gloomy email I am determined to be positive...and to believe that 2002 will be a good year.

Day 3

Post 5



Yes i am definitely in the 'is there anybody out there club'.

Why do most people have such long names...I feel quite inadequate with mine now - I should have called myself something much more entertaining....oh well

Day 3

Post 6

The cat in the hat (Armoire of Missing Persons) A 1001% Xcentric United Friend

Don't worry size is not important. I am sure this is a name with meaning, some others (mine) was a spur of the moment thing, because the machine asked for a user name.

I have realised that if this thread grows we will become the "somebody is here club" but that would not be a bad thing.

Manchester person (sorry I did not note your name ) I am not that far from you. strange how far you have to go to look round the corner, isn't it.

speak soon.

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