A Conversation for The Egyptian Ennead
Hi again
TIMELORD Started conversation Dec 30, 2001
Now that i have posted this it will show up in your messages list. Each time someone adds a message it will go to the top of the list. There is also a link the bottom of your page so you can edit it if you like.
Hi again
doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) Posted Dec 30, 2001
hello there i seen u were a new start so i hought i would come and say hello and see if u had worked out how to use the site yet coz i certainly havent he he he its wicked being able to see this many new views on life and i am figuring just how daft i really am ha ha a ha ha
Hi again
dhalgren Posted Dec 30, 2001
i have no idea how all this works...
or how to find anything....
confused or mad who cares....?
Hi again
doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) Posted Dec 31, 2001
makes ya feel ne better.
i just feel out of my depth in here. some of the peeps in here sound so clever. hehehehehe what dont u understand mate.
if u want to chat to someone u write them a msg and then they reply. u can read other peoples messages and reply when u want to. pretty good if your a nosy beggar like me hahahaha
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Hi again
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