This is the Message Centre for Robert

Subediting Update

Post 1


Hey guys,

Just a quick update: Two more entries to edit. I've done one of them already and am waiting for author approval. I'll start on the other one tonight.

I'm also going to redesign the Subedited Entries page.


Subediting Update

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*

Ahem... would one of those happen to be my entry on Icehotel?smiley - smiley

Anyway, I just wanted to ask you if you think there might be a chance for my photos to be blobbed and put into the edited entry?

Subediting Update

Post 3


smiley - cool

Someone actually reads these things smiley - smiley.

Yes, one of those was your entry, but I don't know about the blob request: you'd have to speak to one of the italics. When I sort things out (busy ATM), I'll ask Anna about it.

BTW: I was e-mailing the subed's mailing list about a few things to do with IceHotel, but as you're here, I might as well ask you first smiley - smiley:

1. You used throughout the article. Any particular reason why you used them over ?

2. The links to aformentioned pictures are in a pretty awkward place. Could I put them in an existing sentence or something?

Subediting Update

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hey! Quick answer!smiley - bigeyes

Subheaders? Headers? I can't remember, and I don't think I have a preference for one of the other - pick whatever looks best to you!smiley - smiley

I put the picture links roughly where I'd like to see the blobbed photos, embedded to the left or to the right...

Subediting Update

Post 5


smiley - biggrin

I've changed them to s - because technically that's what they ought to be, and the Editor's'd probably do the same anyway!

Because the blobs issue is obviously a Matter of Great Importance to the Planet Earth (smiley - winkeye, not sarcasm), I'll post to Anna's personal space and point her over here, so we'll see!

Subediting Update

Post 6


Ive posted to Anna's U page (see F21356?thread=186452) so we should get a reply tomorrow!

Subediting Update

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'll be 'holding my thumbs' as we say in Sweden... (keep my fingers crossed)!smiley - biggrin

Subediting Update

Post 8

World Service Memoryshare team

Hello Titania,

We really liked your entry and the pictures too. I'd have to ask Sri, our artist, but she isn't well at the moment, and will be away for a few days. I'll get back to you when she's back smiley - ok

Subediting Update

Post 9


smiley - cool

BTW: I just fired back the other entry I was working on, so this one is now at the top of my 'in tray' smiley - smiley.

Anna: in the meantime, should I leave the links alone?

Subediting Update

Post 10



I'm moving this conversation to the subediting notes thread for the Icehotel entry - personal protocol smiley - smiley.

Go to F90735?thread=186708.


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