A Conversation for MINISTRY of BLACK

special request

Post 1

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

With the ministers permission could I possibley use the same smiley as galaxy babesmiley - angel

special request

Post 2

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Why would that be? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 3

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

mmm youve forgot the conversation we have had beforesmiley - angel Im very limited with what smiles I can use as I dont have any angle brackets to use ml, you suggested doing (blackcat) but as their is already a member using smiley - angel I think it would be more appropiate, enter sandman good choice

special request

Post 4

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Is there anything else you could use instead? smiley - blackcat

Archangel Galaxy Babe is one of the most precious assets here ar the Ministry - if not the whole guide smiley - blackcat

I feel that it is wholly appropriate that she uses smiley - angel smilies, and totally inappropriate for anyone else to smiley - blackcat

What is it that enables you to post smiley - angels and not smiley - blackcats, surely you need angle brackets to post smiley - angel! smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 5

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

Im using short code.Weve already had this conversation!!!!!

special request

Post 6

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

In which case I apologise for having a totally smiley - bleep memory.... smiley - blackcat

It would have been a help if you could have posted the request in the same thread, rather than starting a new one, never mind smiley - blackcat

What I'll do is pop across to the smiley page myslf and choose one for you - how's that? smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 7

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Can you do this : - [ but without the spaces? smiley - blackcat

Try it out see if you like it smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 8

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

[]£$%)(*&^-+=@'.?/#,~:;!"_ there the only symbols I have

special request

Post 9

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

That's a help smiley - blackcat

I'll see what I can do with them smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 10

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

In that case you should be able to : - [ (without the spaces)smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 11

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

I havent got the vertical line, the only thing ive got is an exclamation mark

special request

Post 12

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

[] Just testing smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 13

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

There we go!! smiley - blackcat

It's not a vertical line, but a square bracket, and you posted one of those earlier smiley - blackcat

Type the symbols for "Colon" "Hyphen" and "Square Bracket" smiley - blackcat

(It's an "opening" bracket, not a "closing" bracket smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 14

WHITE WIZARD ~ Chancellor of magic ~

nice one smiley - vampire#8

special request

Post 15

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I was going to ask if that suits you Sir, but I see you've been using it whilst Zapping other threads smiley - blackcat

Thanks for doing that, it looks as though things are starting to come together at The Ministry.... smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

special request

Post 16

Minister Of Black. The Knight of Night, Lord of the High Tower

Just subscribing to this conversation as The Minister smiley - blackcat

The Minister smiley - blackcat

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