A Conversation for Hotel Hanger


Post 1

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)


Post 2

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*the Hitchhiker's Dream II approaches the mysterious black ship via visible light detectors* Owww, now what! [over hailing frequency] Unidentified vessel, this is the Hitchhiker's Dream II, part of the security force for this station. Identify yourself immediately! We are armed!


Post 3

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

~responding to the hail, the viewscreen lights up and you can see the face of an Imperial Lt.~
[Lt].............. I would hope you are armed.......this is the Da'Kaja, enroute to.........your station Captain Venom.


Post 4

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

[over the station traffic frequency] D**n Yo, don't scare me like that! I'll open the hanger doors now.


Post 5

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)


Post 6

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*The targets all disappear in the space of 2.7sec, due to (you notice afterwards) a series of plasma bursts and phantom missles from the HD2*
[Venom]Yawn, that was too easy. Computer, warp in a few live-fire Apollo drones
[Computer]Acknowledged, warping in 5 Apollo GTS live fire drones. Good luck!
*Venom takes the drones out without sustaining a hit, in 32.4 sec*
[Venom]I actually had to think. Axe must've hacked those. Computer, reset the targets to default, and then set 'em up for Notpanicking, if she shows up.
[Computer]Affirmative. You scored a 3rd place time on that last run, CV.
*The targets warp back in*


Post 7

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)


Post 8

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*the primary sensors go out on the HD2* *a little red light alerts Venom of the fact* What happened? [over traffic frequency]Da'Kaja! This is the HD2. I am registering abnormally high sensor output. Please cut your sensors now, or the repair costs of my equipment (custom and expensive) will be deducted from Yo's salary! And, as an added torture, I'll send, over your sub-eta TV channels, my latest frisbee cd, "nine favorite Vogon ballads"


Post 9

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[Via Transmission]Diagnotics nearly complete.................


Post 10

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

[over the TV channel]*a five-second snatch of Vogon poetry*
[over ship-ship radio] Thank you. Sorry about the poetry, my finger just *slipped*. Your personnel are in the hotel because I didn't want them milling 'bout the hanger.


Post 11

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)


Post 12

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*the HV enters hyperspace*


Post 13

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*the HV returns, the HD (original, an asteroid breaker) leaves it's fighter bay and enters hyperspace, and the HV docks*


Post 14

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

*The Corvette runs deep long range scans*

[OOC]what is the size of the station approximatly?


Post 15

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

[ooc]It's a three-ring model, multiple decks of about 10km radius. The hanger takes about 7 of that.


Post 16


*a large, gray ship exits from a trans-warp conduit. It is a DBSW3115, one of the higher-class models from the shipyards of sector S49DJE4. Looks like Axe's been on another ship raid smiley - smiley*

*opens hailing frequencies*

Attention docking station: This is the starship Tripwire, captained by Axe_123. We wish to dock with this station. Please reply with details of landing procedures aboard this station

Attention security personnel: This is the starship Tripwire. About six hours ago, we were attacked by an unknown hostile. Please scan any incoming ships entering in the next five hours. Thank you.

*halts the engines and waits for a reply*


Post 17

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

[Transmission from the Corvette] We're conducting long range scans now and have been for awhile....there appears to be nothing too much out of the ordinary...just some slow frieghter traffic on an inward vector.

[Transmission from Dockmaster]Engaging tractor beams, make sure all your engines are set to idle


Post 18


*a small door opens on the bottom of the Tripwire, and axe steps out*

Thanks yo. I'm glad venom put tractor beams on this station, I haven't been on the landing simulators since i was 13!

Does Venom have anywhere more permanenent I can put this thing after it's repaired?

*walks up to maintainence control*
I'll upload the system settings now...

*gets out his palm and initiates a data transfer*
That should do it.

*walks towards the exit airlock*
I'll be in my office if anyone needs me


Post 19


By the way, the entry for the ship is located at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A715826 (alabaster rules smiley - smiley).


Post 20

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Axe, just put it in bay 75, it should be big enough, and what have I told you about alabaster?

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