This is the Message Centre for Candi - now 42!

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 1

Candi - now 42!

Where does this fit into my healthy lifestyle? Apparently you're okay if you eat 100g a week - the antioxidants are beneficial and the high saturated fat and and sugar content won't do too much harm - but AARGH! I've started consuming ever increasing quantities - whenever I go past a shop that sells vegan chocolate I have to buy some...and now, horror of horrors.... I have a spot on my nose!

smiley - yikes


Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 2


*hides smiley - choc in desk drawer*

Stop walking past that shop...smiley - winkeye
smiley - hug

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 3

Candi - now 42!

Crisis over - gone off chocolate now, at least for the moment!

Phew! smiley - winkeye

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 4


If I were to go off chocolate, I would consider it a crisis. I'm pretty sure several of my friends would feel the same way.
smiley - smiley

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 5

Candi - now 42!

smiley - erm no, I didn't express myself clearly - I don't mean "gone off chocolate" - I actually mean that I can cope for a day or two without it, that I can manage not to buy it just because I'm near a shop that sells it, that it's no longer my staple food!

I still love it...but am now able to eat it in more sensible quantities!

smiley - biggrin

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 6


You expressed yourself clearly. I was probably a bit vague.

I took it to mean gone off, as in gone off the chocolate obsession, not chocolate permanately.

My friends and I are quite happy with our chocolate obsessions. smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 7

Candi - now 42!

I dreamed about smiley - choc the other night - I had gone without any for two days and in the dream I was in an enormous supermarket (in America for some reason), looking for vegan chocolate spread, .... by the end of the dream I hadn't found it, and woke up desperate for chocolate! smiley - yikes

Luckily, when I visited my mother yesterday she gave me some - about a third of a 150 gram bar of Green & Blacks organic dark chocolate with cherries...... needless to say it was gone before bedtime....

My favourite smiley - choc:
(My favourites are the cherry (as mentioned above!) and the Maya Gold).
(I smiley - love the chilli bar)
I have yet to try the organic cayenne and organic expressions but you can be sure I'll get round to it!
But I have tried the plain soya chocolate and that is very good smiley - smiley

My favourite luxury smiley - choc:

smiley - bigeyessmiley - drool

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 8


That's odd, I tried ordering a vegan chocolate spread for our store and the distributor was out of stock. Another company, Rapunzel has a chocolate spread that we want to order(it isn't in the current catalog, but we get advance notice of new items).

I haven't tried the Green & Black's cherry bar yet. I have tried the Maya Gold, Milk, and Dark Chocolate as well as the Dark Chocolate with currants and hazelnuts. Can't decide if the next experiment will be mint chocolate or the caramel bar.

Given that chocolate has the same chemical that makes a person feel euphoric, hot peppers cause endorphin rushes, and caffeine makes a person wired, how long you reckon, before there are mocha flavored chile peppers?
smiley - smiley

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 9

Candi - now 42!

They could make mocha chocolate with chili in it smiley - bigeyes!

My latest delight is the plamil 87% cocoa dark organic chocolate - YUM!

I also treated myself to a mixed box of booja-booja truffles - so far I have tried the hazelnut crunch rochers and the champagne truffles..both wonderful.

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 10


smiley - bigeyesOooh there's an idea...mocha chocolate with chilis...
The Aztecs would make a beverage from ground cocoa beans, water, and chilis.
*smiley - run to kitchen {there has to be a kitchen somewhere, with all the gumbo, and jambalaya around here}*
*begins melting a dark chocolate bar and brewing smiley - coffee*

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 11


whatever u do...? dont squeeze it.smiley - smileysmiley - choc

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 12

Candi - now 42!

Hi Dave, are you a chocoholic? Would you like a hot smiley - choc?
smiley - smiley

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 13


smiley - smileyi love it! with a passion!smiley - biggrinso much it scares me
ain't i supposed to have grown out of it by now?
my little girl likes fruit pastiles and wine gums??? aarrggghhh
so i always make sure i get her something buttonssmiley - biggrin lol
so there's plenty to sharesmiley - smiley
by the way i'd love a hotsmiley - chocim just off to bed
so it'll do me a treatsmiley - winkeye

Yikes! I seem to have become a did that happen?!

Post 14

Candi - now 42!

Grow out of chocolate? No way! smiley - biggrin

I did the opposite - I wasn't too keen on it as a child but about a year ago I developed an appreciation for it.... then over the past few weeks, it has turned into an addiction.... but I can handle it - smiley - erm I hope... smiley - winkeye

*serves up a steaming mug of hot smiley - choc*

Enjoy it, hope you sleep well smiley - smiley

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