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Hello Strider
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Started conversation Nov 26, 2001
I like Tolkein too - well his Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit anyway. I'm not that keen on the Silmarillion.
I like CS Lewis, The Beetles and am also a guitarist (not bass though - just ordinary acoustic). I find Monty Python really funny, but prefer the Goons. I saw Harry Potter last week, and noticed John Cleese (who could miss him?!).
I think Strider/Aragorn/the Dunadain/Elfstone is great, but my favourite character is Sam, and after him, Pippin.
Hello Strider
Evil Zombie Strider Posted Nov 26, 2001
Thanks for writing me. I see that you have excellent taste.
I've always wanted to visit wales. Whats it like up there?
By the way, as far as GUIDEML goes, I'd suggest going to
It has helped me immensely.
BTW, a note on your personal space. If you try out the classic goo skin (in preferences) the conversations aren't to the left, so the [to left] note is incorrect for some viewers. No biggie, just something I noticed.
What is (or are) the goons? I'd love to know more.
Hello Strider
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Posted Nov 26, 2001
Thanks for the tip about layout - I'll correct the anomolly (is that how you spell it?)
The Goons are (or rather *were*) pre-Python, and starred Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe, with occasional lines from the announcer - Wallace Greenslade (that's his real name!) and the band leader, known only as "Ellington" (not Duke). If you've never heard them, then do, as soon as possible. There are several parts of the scripts that have become famous on their own (like the "Dead Parrot Sketch" has for Python). Ask any Goon fan "What time is it, Eccles?" and watch them crease up at the memory as they reply "I've got it written down on a piece of paper".
Here is another sample:
Greenslade: (perfect RP voice) YOU are applying for the post of BBC announcer?!
Eccles: (Slow, slurred 'Idiot-speak' voice)Yeah - and I'll get it too, you'll see. I'm wearing a Cambridge tie.
Greenslade: I didn't know you went to Cambridge! What were you doing there?
Eccles: Buying a tie.
The above can't do justice to the Goon's - you have to hear them to really appriciate their comic genius - but I hope I've whetted your appetite! The tapes are available at most book/music shops, or you can search for "Goons" or "Spike Milligan" on the web.
As for Wales - well, what can I say? I'm a partial critic, but I'd say it's a beautiful country, do come. It's at it's best in May or September, but ~not~ August. I can only speak for the North, but I know that we get as much rain in August as we do in the winter - and some places in the mountains have as much rain as a tropical rain forest (without the tropical heat). Hence the "it always rains in Wales" myth. But if you plan to go up any mountains, take a jumper and a mac even if it's 30 in the shade. The top of Snowdon can have very different weather to the bottom of Snowdon - well it *is* 2000 feet up, after all!
I always say that to people going to Wales - but it is important. The Mountain Rescue team spend most of their time helping visitors who get themselves into trouble simply because they weren't prepared. And that's a shame, because if you are sensible you can have a great time up in the roof of Wales - the views are stunning, and the wildlife fantastic.
Enough rambling. I'll leave that to you, when you came to the land of song. And when you're tired of 45 degree gradients, pop over to Anglesey, which is (comparitively) flat, and is where you'll find that "place with the long name" - Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgoge.....
Hello Strider
Evil Zombie Strider Posted Nov 27, 2001
! You gave me much more than anticipated! thanks!
I'm certainly have whetted my appetite! The first chance I get I'm going to go out and find me some Goons.
Now I HAVE to go to Wales. You know, you ought to do adverts (except for the extremely BORING factor that would be involved in any job that had such little meaning or significance. Oh well.) Still... Now I just have to find some time off to go.
I feel bad. I don't have anything to ramble on about. Oh well. Maybe next time I'll find something to ramble on about.
Hello Strider
Cadi Merchionamercheluned Posted Nov 28, 2001
After such a long posting last time, I feel justified in just saying "Hi" this time.
I do wax lyrical about the "Land of my Fathers" (although in my case it's more "land of my mother's" - my father's English!). However, advertising ranks in my mind along side the Marketing Division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. Well, maybe not *quite* that bad, but you get my drift.
"Time off"? What do you do and where are you from? Sorry - I'm nosy!
Hello Strider
Evil Zombie Strider Posted Nov 28, 2001
Don't worry about being too nosy. I just won't answer if something's too personal for me.
I do school. I actually did recently have some time off because I live in the US (Massachusetts), and got a week off from going to school. Its started back up again though
So really, time off means during my winter term break or summer.
Hey, my friend read this conversation, and gave me a tape of the Goons. Its great! You're right. God, they're funny.
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Hello Strider
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