This is the Message Centre for Queen Mab
Ooooo I like it here
Queen Mab Started conversation Nov 11, 2001
This place rocks!! followed the links from the BBC message boards - but this place looks even more compulsive. Oh Dear - any hope of getting any of my work done at all has dissapeared in a puff for the forseeable future. . . "Boris? Boris!! Stop peeling those grapes and get some employees on the line - her majesty is going to be indisposed for the next millenia or so, put the answering machine on and bring me some coffee."
Ooooo I like it here
Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42! Posted Nov 17, 2001
*fetches your*
You obviously have great taste if you love h2g2 already
And your personal space is fantastic!
I am also impressed with your knowledge of Guide ML, it took me ages to learn!
Please try not to swear, though, your Majesty.
When we refer to the "W" word, we usually self-regulate and post "w*rk" so as not to upset anyone
Are you by any chance a William Shakespeare fan?
Pleased to make your aquaintance
*bows and leaves*
Ooooo I like it here
Queen Mab Posted Nov 19, 2001
Gosh Thanks!!!
I've never used anything like GuideML before - I'm finding it really interesting, though I'm going a bit.
I'm a fan of Celtic Mythology and a Shakespeare fan which means that some days I'm a Queen and some days I'm a Warrior Queen. So I get the best of both worlds.
Thank you very much for the visit and the compliments!
Drop by again for some or
or just a
Queen Mab
Ooooo I like it here
Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42! Posted Nov 20, 2001
Oh thank you very much!
Are you a fan of Xena then?
I likeand
so I will bring my own, if you do not mind, your Majesty.
Is there anything I can do to assist you today?
It took me a while to get the hang of Guide ML so do not worry, you will become an expert in no time.
This is a really great place, you get to meet such ~interesting~ people.
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Ooooo I like it here
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