A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 21

Mrs Zen

But if Boe is a timelord then neither he nor the doctor are the only one of their kind and the last of their race, are they?


This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 22

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 23

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit lots of imagination
"Race ?

They are both in the same race with time ? "

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 24

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit hiding in the smiley - mistletoe
"'Torchwood House' 'TorchWood Institute' to .. the doctor "

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 25

Dark Side of the Goon

Face of Bo: either knows something desperately important to the Doctor, or knows where another Time Lord is.

If he knows where another Time Lord is, it'll be one that causes some tension for Series 3. So it'll be a rival for Rose, I'm guessing. After all, then the Doctor has a serious romantic rival and might even be in a position to...ahh...repopulate the species.

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 26


Er, hope this is the right thread for this.

So. Wolves again. 'Something of the wolf in you......but you are all sun and I am of the moon' or something. So, is this a reference back to last seasons ending, or summats else?

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 27

Jim Lynn

I interpreted it as a reference to Parting of the Ways rather than anything new. Two different cryptic Wolf-related mysteries would be a bit much, I think.

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 28

(Loose) Yes.

What happened to that head monk who was (probably not) shot by Queen Vic?

Is his fate being kept a mystery for later on?

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 29

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit seeing the captain of the guard later on
"As the Captain survived, the Head monk apparently did not survive the bullet, even though the shooting scene suggested he was not really hurt (no silver bullet)"

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 30


I wondered if it was perhaps intentional that these monks be swathed in utter mystery - other than the fact they worship the wolf, we learn nothing about them - we don't know a) how come they're so into kung fu, given they're clearly meant to be Christian monks and not Chinese, b) what happens to the chief monk (his disappearance is somewhat obfuscated), and c) what happens to all the rest of them come to that - it's almost as if Rusty forgot about them when it came to writing the end of the episode. Nah, couldn't be, could it? There was no mention of how the characters went from being trapped in a house aggressively guarded by gun-toting monks to just being in a house not guarded in any way by anyone, gun-toting or not. Shame, cos apart from that it was a fantastic episode...

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 31

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit definitely on a spoiler
"The Monks had a mission to help the WereWolf getting to take over the Queen. Apparently they were on an unconcious mind control by the entity. They were probably infected with the WereWolf DNA and by that in 'his' power.

When the WereWolf was vanished in a puff of moonlight the control had gone and they wandered back home as they had nothing to do at TorchWood House.

Leaves open why (and how) they used smiley - mistletoe to scare off the WereWolf as well as why and how they managed the master arts. "

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 32

(Loose) Yes.

>Leaves open why (and how) they used mistletoe to scare off the WereWolf/

I was happy that the Doctor suggested the werewolf might only *believe* it couldn't tolerate mistletoe, and so was controled by that belief. But now that doesn't fit in with the monks being controlled by the entity, since that would mean the entity controlled them into having control over itself...

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 33

(Loose) Yes.

I do like seeing the CGI sequences re-used during the episodes. How many times did the wolf climb those stairs unnecessarily? I'm guessing CGI costs the Beeb so much, they have to be seen to get as many minutes as possible per £.
Also with the Slitheen , a sequence where they run and glance back, used a second time just as a filler.

Who'se got more to offer?

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 34


Actually, Rassilon wasn't the first Time Lord. He would have had a tough job being that. He was just the first President of the High Council of Gallifrey and founder of what we would term Modern Gallifreyan Society.

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 35


Good point. I think at one point the Troughton Doctor says 'before Rassilon the Time Lords had enormous powers...' or words to that effect. I'm not sure there *is* a first Time Lord as such, although I suppose Omega has a pretty good claim to the title on a purely honorary basis...

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 36


I wouldn't say that Omega has a claim to that title, honourary or not. A comprehensive history of the Time Lords and Gallifrey is available here: http://www.geocities.com/willbswift/docwho2.html

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 37


Oh dear, bandwidth expired. In any case I fear this issue is really dependent on your interpretation of the dreaded C-word (canon) and I promised myself I'd stop getting into rows about that sort of thing... smiley - smiley

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 38

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Do you have a source for that claim, Cyvros? I'm not sure I can agree with it. smiley - smiley

In the TV show, Rassilon is credited with creating the Time Lords: the gene sequence that gives them power over Tardises is called the 'Rassilon Imprimature'; all of the artefacts of old Gallifrey are named after him (apart from the Hand of Omega); and there's a suggestion that the concept of Time Lords didn't really kick off until Rassilon (and Omega) gave them the powers they have.

He was a contemporary of the very first Time Lords, and the suggestion in the TV series was that he 'created' them.

(Although Steven Moffat inspired Paul Cornell to write a dream into one of his books that the Time Lords were actually created by the Doctor, but that's an entirely different matter smiley - smiley )

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 39


I have never once heard anything connecting Rassilon to the creation of the Time Lords. He, along with Omega and the Other, more or less created time travel as the Time Lords know it, but he's not the first. He founded Modern Time Lord Society, yes, but not the race.

A lot of artefacts are named after him because he was the first Time Lord President and he was such a great contributor to Gallifrey, especially in the Dark Times, when many relics were created. There was no need for many of the relics until Rassilon became prominent - the Eye of Harmony, for instance, was something that came about due to Rassilon, Omega and the Other's experiments. There's the Death Zone, which Rassilon 'apparently' shut down. Rassilon brought about a major technological and social revolution on Gallifrey, but he was not the first Time Lord to my knowledge.

This year's Bad Wolf (possible spoilers?)

Post 40

Dark Side of the Goon

"A lot of artefacts are named after him because he was the first Time Lord President "

All Gallifreyans are not Time Lords, but all Time Lords are from Gallifrey. The Time Lords are that section of the Gallifreyan population who went along with Rassilon's cultural revolution. There are those who would not, and we've had references to them in previous stories.

Prior to Rassilon, we have Gallifreyans; a society with very advanced technology. Rassilon, Omega and the Other are leading the experiments in time travel, but the result seems to be that Omega ends up stuck in a Black Hole and the Other disappears (see 'Lungbarrow' for details) leaving Rassilon to shape and mold the new social order. It's Rassilon that makes the division between Gallifreyans and Gallifreyans who are also Time Lords, as far as we know, meaning that he's the first.

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