This is the Message Centre for The Ghost Of TV's Frink

If You See Kay

Post 1

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

My page is getting pretty long once again. I can only assume the softball roster will keep getting longer and longer......I've already dropped the font size once, and I don't want to move the roster to another page. One of the original reasons for the roster was to promote other people's pages as well - hard to do that from a secondary page. Maybe I should put any future additions on a second roster, on a different page? Any thoughts out there?

If You See Kay

Post 2


Keep it on one page...... and look at my application smiley - smiley

If You See Kay

Post 3


How about a second string, on a second page... But, I'm just the groundskeeper, so I'll go pretty up the outfield...

smiley - fish

If You See Kay

Post 4

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Danielt: Done. You've been added to the roster.

Frus: Hey, how've you been? I've been toying with the idea of making a "second string" team on another page, but it seems unfair to give other researchers a secondary position on the team just because they joined later....The fair thing to do would be to move the entire roster to another page, but I really don't want to do that. I thought about splitting the roster up into two lists and rotating which one is on my front page, but that might take more attention than I'm willing to give. Hmmm.....maybe I shouldn't worry about it so much. What's wrong with a long page anyway?

If You See Kay

Post 5

GNP Aaron

Exactly. What is wrong with a long page? But I spose it can get too long... Can I throw an idea into the ring? How about getting someone* to make a second H2G2 softball team, and put that on their homepage. Redirect all new registrations over there. Idea?

*not me. I don't really have the time.

PS Kay is over there. smiley - smiley


If You See Kay

Post 6

GNP Aaron

Hello? Can anyone hear me?

If You See Kay

Post 7

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

*holds hand to ear*

Hey Lance! Sending new recruits to someone else is tempting......not a bad idea at all, actually. But the softball thing has become my identity on this rather large community. I'd be kind of giving that up if I stopped signing up anyone who asked. I think I'll just let my page get as long as the ed's will allow it (and it has got quite a ways to go judging by a few other pages out there smiley - smiley)

If you REALLY do see Kay, tell her I'm OK.

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