A Conversation for The Alabaster Fan Club
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted Jan 4, 2002
He already knows...he dropped by and showed us what he thinks our badge should be. Its in the "code for the badge" conversation.
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 4, 2002
And you expect me to believe that?! Ottox has been brainwashed anyway by you fools to say you're not lying even if I don't challenge him!
And change your name! (Well, the bit after it anyway) - PLEADING for people to join your little club!
Dont worry I like a little friendly rivalry now and again .. That's why I made the Researchers Against Alabaster Club and challenged Mina about what might happen if they bring a new skin which proves to supercede both current skins.. My club will be better because Alabaster will still be the least popular, but People in favour of The newer skin *AND* people in favour of the Classic GOO Skin would both be welcomed into *my* club..
Right now though, seeing as it was designed on a webtv all that time ago, I need to re-do it all..
So, there's no link here
aka (",)
On the subject of fan clubs, though.. If you appreciate good music, visit The H2G2 Queen Fan Club; http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A607033
(At the bottom you'll see it's a Skin-Friendly Guide entry; Don't ask me why I did this.. I'm not usually this multi-page-skin-colour-scheme friendly..)
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted Jan 5, 2002
I'm not pleading, and its not a little club.
*Feels like a 4th grader*
And your a poopie-head.
It's actually...hell, I'm not going to tell you. Read the freaking page before you criticize someone about something.
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 5, 2002
I pity poeple who don't appreciate procrastination.. I did half read it.. or did you the bit you're talking about in dark blue so only alabasterians can read it?
Anyways.. I don't like you.. you said "hell" I'm telling the moderator on you!
*feels so small again*
Also, I pity people who don't laugh at criticism.. Being born in Liverpool, You can call me a Theif, a Criminal, sing "Gypsies, Tramps and Theives" - the other version at me, or do anything that would make the average scouser Irate.. but not me for some reason; I don't know why but its funny to see you have something that is so unique, it makes people completely act towards you in no way which they would toward someone from say, I dunno, the poshest, most highest-class part of London for instance; I don't think it's jealousy - They have never been born in Liverpool (or have recollection of it) to know what they're jealous about, so it's not jealousy - I don't know what is is, like I said but anyways..
Try it! You insult scousers right in front of my face - It won't do a thing for my anger - which I find a little strange but anyway..
Off to read the rest of the backlog now
aka (",)
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 5, 2002
PS: That's the backlog on my MP page, (you know.. the click here for more conversations bit on your space) not the backlog (if any) for this little recruiting article (seeing as its not a club ; it has members and gladly takes them, so that's what I see fitting to call it, on the alternative to a "club" )
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted Jan 7, 2002
So you're attributing the fact that you're kind of being a jerk to the fact that you're from Liverpool...
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 9, 2002
Not really.. I just like to be insulted Which Is probably why I said I like Rivalry
I *have* noticed though, that when most people who can't tell by hearing your accent, say, maybe on a chatroom which I am now totally against because they're so boring and everyone is ignorant (unlike h2g2 which is a true community
), once they hear that you're from liverpool, they do tend to judge you and try to keep their distance
Which Is why I plan to move away from the UK when I'm older
maybe to america -- My uncle says they love liverpool over there
(Presumably due to the fact that The Beatles took over that country completely .. Which might lead me on to argue about good music these days.. being only 15, I really wish I could've just been around and old enough in 1986 to see Queen play at Wembely, which sounds and looks fantastic on the Video and audio version I have of it.. I mean, Britney Spears, westlife, Robbie Williams, five and all the rest of it.. they just Fill me with utter rage! Am I not alone here? agree with me, you've felt like chucking something at your set when you see them on the TV, Right? (be honest
) If you haven't, Then I'm assuming that you're very young, female or both, and as soon as you grow out of Boy / Girl bands and "pop" and into GOod music.. (I argue with my sister over her liking of Rap and Hip Hop - but at least "that" will do.. it's better than pop..) the better!
See what I've done now? I've gone off topic... anyways, I'm just saying, and I have a good repuatation for being relatively on this site
(not bragging. . just making a point about who i'm not... read on before you
) and I just want you to know I'm not like these other "scallies" - at all.. some people off line have actually described me as "shy"
But anyway, dissmiss any typical Liverpool ideas unless they're positive before you get to know me just in case you're heading that way..
Good luck with the club too- - I think its great we actually have a nemesis (like S*T*A*T*S* and the S*P*A*
) - or the THingites and those fools the "nothingites"
or maybe even a "queen never made any good music club" as rivalry for The H2G2 Queen Fan club
(a607033) Though - I'ld love to see someone actually do that.. that would be so funny.. I've only ever come across one person with that view about Queen.. no wait two.. one was a biased Pink Floyd Fan, the other a Biased homophobic so, what's the point in porgramming their minds otherwise?
And As I was about to go on to how I'm interested in the mind and such, I'm looking back at this post and its so long... I don't want to bore you.. I'll leave it for another time
aka (",)
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted Jan 10, 2002
Something interesting to consider: I'm American, and I don't even know what the big deal is about liverpool.
I agree with you on the music. Most of the new stuff is carp, with the a and the r reversed. I can't say anything about Queen one way or the other. I'm not a big fan, but I don't hate them. I just have better music to listen to, relatively speaking of course. I'm largely a classical fan, primarily Russian composers, but I also listen to lots of other stuff. But not "pop."
As for being shy in reality and wild and crazy (in a sense) on the guide, it seems fairly typical of the members that I've gotten to know well on here. I suppose it's because there's no fear of being interrupted, and if someone severly insults you, you can just ignore them until you can think of a good comeback, and then attribute it to the conversation being lost in the backlog.
Ottox Posted Jan 11, 2002
"And you expect me to believe that?! Ottox has been brainwashed anyway by you fools to say you're not lying even if I don't challenge him!"
Er... what???
(Funny... I had not seen this thread when I posted here yesterday! )
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 11, 2002
I *KNEW* IT!!!
Trust an Alabaster fan...
Queen is *NOT* pop! How much must I stress this, I don't know.. But I feel I need to a *lot*.. Pop is your S Club sevens and your stepses, and your britney spearses and your o Towns.. Rock, or even Adult Alternative, as Virgin Radio call their brand of music, is Queen, also is REM, and the rest...
Manic Street Preachers, Stereophonics, David Gray, StarSailor, Queen, R.E.M., Queen, Queen, Queen, R.E.M., Queen, Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, Queen, Roger Taylor, Brian May, Queen, R.E.M., Sting, The Police, Elton John, The Beatles, The Eagles, and anything you'll find on my Launch dot com LaunchCast station which I'm trying to work out how to link to (I can't work out how you can listen to it without not being logged in as me.. not I don't know how to make links.. I'm not as young as you think ; I lost my user number, so I'm not really from the time of the U178's... ) Is all FAAAAAAAAAAN-TASTIC!
Shall I take it, Vidmaster, that you prefer Lyricless music? Or did I miss a Brand of music with words in? I might've done.. I don't know..
And you're quite right.. "pop." is just not worth listening to (ok, you didn't say that, but I'm interpreting it like that )
Well, I'm off to read the post; My Queen Fan club is updated, all new members added, Posted to Dragonfly's Fan Club, Got all e-mails, read, and replied to, and It's now the time to relax.. and then get ready to take feedback from my readers, where the vicious circle starts al over again
aka (",)
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Researcher 178815 (Jan 4, 2002)
- 2: Researcher 178815 (Jan 4, 2002)
- 3: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Jan 4, 2002)
- 4: Researcher 178815 (Jan 4, 2002)
- 5: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Jan 5, 2002)
- 6: Researcher 178815 (Jan 5, 2002)
- 7: Researcher 178815 (Jan 5, 2002)
- 8: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Jan 7, 2002)
- 9: Researcher 178815 (Jan 9, 2002)
- 10: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Jan 10, 2002)
- 11: Ottox (Jan 11, 2002)
- 12: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Jan 11, 2002)
- 13: Researcher 178815 (Jan 11, 2002)
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