A Conversation for The Alabaster Fan Club
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Poor, misguided souls
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted Jan 5, 2002
Your link still doesn't work...just let greydesk do it.
Poor, misguided souls
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 5, 2002
You must be using Netscrap I guess...
In Internet Exploder 6.0 it doesn't mind the extra >> at the end because its just like doing a362828#top (a link which will take you to the top - i won't explain the uses of this now - if you want to join the elite web designers forum you can find us here :
if that link doesn't work then its an Alabaster problem
aka (",)
Poor, misguided souls
Researcher 178815 Posted Jan 11, 2002
I don't get how much ANYONE can HATE Goo.. Presuming they like one over the other.. Me, Personally, Could stand Alabaster if the brightness on the monitor was turned down, (Which is why I use Goo.. It's more Warm and - Alabaster to me is just bright harsh and ugly!!)
List me 10,000+ Problems with Classic Goo!
See?! You can't do it!
aka (",)
Poor, misguided souls
Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ... Posted Apr 23, 2002
Our music note is golden too, and Goo doesn't blind you at night. Alabaster's interfacing is CRAP, and the smileys aren't as much fun. You may choose to use Alabaster, but then you're conforming to the rest of BBCi and being generally boring. While I will not censor it, being a choice, it's kinda like tobaccoo usage: not illegal but bad for your health. So be smart: choose GOO!
Poor, misguided souls
Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond Posted Apr 23, 2002
May I point out to you that not only does goo look like poo, but that alabaster is pure classic beauty? Why do you think that all sorts of artwork was made from alabaster? You never hear about anyone making stuff out of goo, do you?
Poor, misguided souls
Researcher 178815 Posted Apr 23, 2002
In your quite humble opinion, Goo looks like "poo", Vidmaster, and about the naming, "Classic" goo - I don't know where they brought that in from;
And How many websites do you see with mozart, picasso and shakespeare skins?
Poor, misguided souls
Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] Posted Apr 25, 2002
There are several pieces of modern art made possible only with the use of goo. Goo on tables, goo on coffee cups, good on posterboard...
Of course, there are several pieces of modern art made possible only with the use of poo as well...but we won't dwell on that.
Key: Complain about this post
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Poor, misguided souls
- 21: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Jan 5, 2002)
- 22: Researcher 178815 (Jan 5, 2002)
- 23: GreyDesk (Jan 10, 2002)
- 24: Researcher 178815 (Jan 11, 2002)
- 25: Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ... (Apr 23, 2002)
- 26: Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond (Apr 23, 2002)
- 27: Researcher 178815 (Apr 23, 2002)
- 28: Ex Libris Draconium [Taking a vacation from h2g2] (Apr 25, 2002)
- 29: Researcher 178815 (Apr 25, 2002)
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