A Conversation for Common Frogs in the UK


Post 1


Over the last few days, my mum has had the same two frogs attempting to reproduce on her front door step - I thought they only did this under water? Just thought someone could advise.


Post 2


I've got a pond, and I've never seen them attempt it anywhere else. It's possible if there is no water nearby the urge to reproduce is stronger than the instinct to do it in water.


Post 3


Thank you for replying to my query. I thought it a bit strange as there is a small pond not too far away. Oh well, as long as they are happy!

Thanks again


Post 4


i have a lonley frog in my garden and i saw it recently i just wondered if he is ok he is very pink/red underneath just wondered if that is normal?


Post 5


I'm not an expert, but there is a disease which can cause redness - it's called Redleg disease. I couldn't say if that is the cause of the redness, but the frogs in my garden never seem to be red underneath.

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