A Conversation for The unofficial index for Greek Mythology

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 1


Eh? I'll have to do *lotsalotsalotsa* research, but it'll do me good! Did you get the deadline extended? Till when?

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 2

Researcher 168963

Yes, that'll be great smiley - smiley

Haven't had it extended yet because the editors aren't here weekends, but come monday it should be. The six week thing is apparently only a guideline anyway- it says on the uni page that after six weeks they just like to check how much has been done.

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 3

The Willem Love Collective

Well, that sounds OK!!! Will have to start doing research sometime!

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 4


OK, I started! You can see how I'm doing here:


Can I do Odysseus?

Post 5

Researcher 168963

smiley - cool
It's looking great smiley - ok

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 6


Well, it still needs a *huge* amount of work! Till when do I have?

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 7

Researcher 168963

The 20th, if that's OK. If not I'm sure we can arrange a little longer..after all, Isaac has so much to sub he probably won't even notived if one doesn't arrive for a bit longer.

Can I do Odysseus?

Post 8


I think maybe I won't have it finished by then ... suddenly a lot of stuff came down on my head, and this is not exactly near the top of my priority list ...

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