A Conversation for h2g2 Guidelines During the Afghanistan Crisis

We will remove anything that appears to be ... false rumour.

Post 21

The H2G2 Editors

"Doesn't this last disclaimer mean anything?"

It means very little when your policy's aim is to protect people from danger. If something on h2g2 puts someone in danger - or, worse case scenario, gets someone killed - then that disclaimer isn't going to make any difference.

Even with legal issues (like defamation) the disclaimer doesn't protect the BBC; you can't just slap a disclaimer on something and assume that it's OK to publish. Pity really - it'd be a great get-out clause!

The disclaimer is there to help prevent people's expectations being blown, by pointing out that the content is not written by the BBC, but by the public. Saying that, though, doesn't mean we can shirk our legal obligations... and it also doesn't mean that people read it. smiley - erm

We will remove anything that appears to be ... false rumour.

Post 22


"Furthermore, a huge concern is how reactive moderation would affect the users' perception of the BBC; yes, for most h2g2 users (mature as they are) it would improve things and wouldn't cause any grief, but what about the boards aimed at kids or teenagers? Any changes on h2g2 have to be done with all BBC boards in mind, including those for children."

This seems a failure of marketing then. If BBC expects adults to use these services, then it can't market to us like children. I'll drop the issue, because we have gone over it before.

Glad to hear the hints about what your preferred system would be. smiley - cheers

We will remove anything that appears to be ... false rumour.

Post 23



Hell, even a big pop-up error window warning, "During the current worldwide events, any views, rumours or statements reported in h2g2 to be factual regarding these events should be treated as unsubstantiated," would be welcome as a temporary measure, if it meant that we could keep writing our normal political discussions. Maybe an "OK" button that you have to click to acknowledge the message before it will go away?

[I know it's not feasible, and I just agreed to stop dragging out this issue. Just a wild idea.]

Readers need not be responsible

Post 24


"It means very little when your policy's aim is to protect people from danger. If something on h2g2 puts someone in danger - or, worse case scenario, gets someone killed - then that disclaimer isn't going to make any difference." "... and it also doesn't mean that people read it."

Before the Editors made these explanations, I never would have thought that such a significant number of h2g2 readers were irresponsible hotheads capable of violence or murder. (I mean, besides me smiley - blush !kidding!)

Readers need not be responsible

Post 25

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Ah, maybe they came to realize what the SBVM's _Mind Trick 2.0_ is capable of... smiley - winkeye

smiley - sheep

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