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Blueberry Izze
Ellen Started conversation Feb 14, 2007
I drank a blueberry Izze today. It was really good. It's a combination of pure fruit juice and sparkling water. Maybe I'll drink more of these and fewer colas. I should like to try their pomegranate drink.
Blueberry Izze
cynthesis Posted Feb 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day to you JEllen!
I've had the Clementine and the Pomegranate. Both were quite lovely and especially good after practicing yoga or ballet class.
Blueberry Izze
Ellen Posted Feb 14, 2007
Pomegranates make me think of this PreRaphaelite painting:
Blueberry Izze
cynthesis Posted Feb 14, 2007
Here's another painting that I think of that's associated with pomegranates:
Blueberry Izze
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Feb 14, 2007
oof! As you know, I'm (ahem) 'Not A Huge Fan Of' the pre-Raphaelites. Rosetti's women always look so drippy and dopey to me. Nearly as bad as all the moon-faced consumptives by awful Lawrence Alma-Tadema:
And Christ knows what she's been doing with her shoe-horn in this one:
This is a long-standing prejudice. Liverpool's Walker Art Gallery ( is full of all this stuff. Mind you, they do have some fine Byzantine icons, an exceptional commune-period Degas ( He was half-blind and painting past cataracts), some superb pre-Renaissance stuff ( the first time I ever went, they had an Edvard Munch exhibition. How lucky is that? You're just starting out discovering Art and they throw Edvard Munch at you! But they also have lotsandlots of godawful pre-Raphaelites. ( Jesus wept! That's way too many Holman Hunts.
I was only saying to someone yesterday...a while back I hard a leading American nutritionist speak on the radio. She was asked what single change she would like to make to the national diet. Without a moment's pause, she said,
"Oh, sugary drinks. No question. It's a no brainer."
btw - this won the bi-annual Sir John Moores Painting Prize when I was about 18. Cool or what?
Blueberry Izze
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Feb 14, 2007
oof! As you know, I'm (ahem) 'Not A Huge Fan Of' the pre-Raphaelites. Rosetti's women always look so drippy and dopey to me. Nearly as bad as all the moon-faced consumptives by awful Lawrence Alma-Tadema:
And Christ knows what she's been doing with her shoe-horn in this one:
This is a long-standing prejudice. Liverpool's Walker Art Gallery ( is full of all this stuff. Mind you, they do have some fine Byzantine icons, an exceptional commune-period Degas ( He was half-blind and painting past cataracts), some superb pre-Renaissance stuff ( )...and the first time I ever went, they had an Edvard Munch exhibition. How lucky is that? You're just starting out discovering Art and they throw Edvard Munch at you! But they also have lotsandlots of godawful pre-Raphaelites. ( Jesus wept! That's way too many Holman Hunts.
I was only saying to someone yesterday...a while back I hard a leading American nutritionist speak on the radio. She was asked what single change she would like to make to the national diet. Without a moment's pause, she said,
"Oh, sugary drinks. No question. It's a no brainer."
btw - this won the bi-annual Sir John Moores Painting Prize when I was about 18. Cool or what?
Blueberry Izze
Ellen Posted Feb 14, 2007
Gotta read that about Munch, and see the cartoon, Edward. It's very funny.
Blueberry Izze
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Feb 14, 2007
Now that I like.
I can't find the Steve Bell cartoon of Munch/Bush, so you'll have to make do with this recent one (to do with the recent cover up of US friendly fire evidence in a British case. Don't know if ot's made your news):,,2007557,00.html
Blueberry Izze
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Feb 16, 2007
The last time I went to the Art Institute, they had some Ivan Albright paintings I'd never seen before, one of which was 'The Portrait of Dorian Gray'.
I have had the clementine Izze drink before. And you know I like Orangina, JEllen. I don't drink sugary drinks often, though- once in a while, as a treat. K drinks sodas all the time (which is why he's switched to the Orangina and similar stuff, from Coke). I hate to think of what it's doing to his teeth.
Blueberry Izze
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Feb 23, 2007
Oh, yes! The Cow Mutations were brilliant. I think I still have one of the original Sainsburys milk cartons somewhere.
Unusual to have an art prize that's actually for *painting*.
For more on my native city as a cultural nexus (and also as an intersection on the Great Ley Line of the Rabbit God):,,2017940,00.html
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Blueberry Izze
- 1: Ellen (Feb 14, 2007)
- 2: cynthesis (Feb 14, 2007)
- 3: Ellen (Feb 14, 2007)
- 4: cynthesis (Feb 14, 2007)
- 5: Ellen (Feb 14, 2007)
- 6: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Feb 14, 2007)
- 7: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Feb 14, 2007)
- 8: Ellen (Feb 14, 2007)
- 9: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Feb 14, 2007)
- 10: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Feb 16, 2007)
- 11: Researcher 556780 (Feb 23, 2007)
- 12: Ellen (Feb 23, 2007)
- 13: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Feb 23, 2007)
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