This is the Message Centre for Z

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 81

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Happens to the best of us.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 82


All hail the smiley - tomato!

We'll end up having quite a few entries in PR at once, that should be ok as long as we all make sure we review each others entries.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 83


That is no bad thing: There aren't nearly enough entries in Peer Review now, and they go through too quickly, too.

Done now, for what it's worth: Just Guide ML-ificating it now. Can't say it's my most riveting entry, but it's definitely my quickest. smiley - laugh

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 84

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Yes, I was quite surprised how quickly I managed to dash one off, too.

Don't think I've had anything in PR in, er, smiley - blush I'm not even sure.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 85


Well, this was a rushed job, but I don't think taking a really long time does my writing a jot of good either, on the other hand. When I take *too* long over it, I get bogged down in it and start changing minor details ad infinitum - and usually end up making a final push to get it in PR because I get fed up looking at it, and can't wait to see the back of it. smiley - laugh

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 86


By jove you've done it!

smiley - somersault

I'm really pleased. This has been a great way to get me writing again.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 87

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - biggrin

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 88


It's my third local-themed one on the trot. Think I need to branch out for the next one!

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 89

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

My Entry is now in PR. Who will be brave enough to read it?

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 90

You can call me TC

I've read and commented on both KB's and Mala's.

Now it's the 2nd of June, I've remembered what I thought of in Post 15. Oh dear.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 91

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Not to complain, but I was also hoping to get recognition for A87757609 which is my specific hobby, presenting the fort. It is also an extension of 'Visiting Historic Sites'

smiley - cheers
Fsmiley - dolphinS

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 92


smiley - blush

Ooophs I am terribly sorry I shall put you on the list forthwith...

smiley - run

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 93


On the list now smiley - blush

I'm really sorry for missing that one. It's a great entry as well.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 94

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Thank you

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 95


I do hope that this doesn't put you off contributing to Create in the future.


Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 96


TC, it's still never too late to write an entry for the guide. smiley - cheers...

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 97

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

No worries, I hesitated to mention it as you do such good work here. My entries are far more for the guide than recognition, not to mention I try to write things I want to read myself. All is good now!
Fsmiley - dolphinS

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 98

You can call me TC

I know, Z. In fact I am on the verge of putting fingers to keyboard for two on "Create" topics that I foresee coming up in the next few months.

Can you write an entry on your hobby?

Post 99


That's an interesting way of doing it: predict the challenges and write the w
Entries in advance! smiley - laugh

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