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Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 1


For create's February Challenge I'm showing you the insiders guide to what it's like to live in the Shadow of the Forth Bridges, and I'm taking a photo every morning on my way to work. Or later in the day if it's the weekend.

To keep up to day with this : keep checking :

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 2


Forth Bridge, eh? Is that your way of saying this'll be like watching paint dry? smiley - laugh

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 3



Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 4


Only joking. It'll be interesting to see how different the photos turn out, actually!

You've given me an idea, too. smiley - eureka

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 5


But you'll be able to take some photos of your walks for the create challenge won't you? The theme is 'an insiders guide to..'

It doesn't have to be every day: A87739780

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 6


Ooh Simpost - you've had an idea already..

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 7


A lot calmer today:

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 8


Red Sky in the morning

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 9


So that's the Forth Bridge then. Cool. It's amazing how different they look, isn't it? Day to day.

Are you just allowing yourself one shot, or are you taking a more considered approach?

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 10


Well I'm taking a snap from roughly the same place each day on the way to work. I may explore more options at the weekend. I don't know if you can see the scale of then properly. Once the third bridge is finished the suspension bridge will be just a footbridge.

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 11


Slightly different angle today.. and a bit later in the morning.

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 12


Three images today.

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 13


No bridge at all today - too foggy!

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 14

Mrs Zen

smiley - snork

It was a low lying mist. By the time I got to the station to buy my season ticket the tops of both bridges were in glorious sunshine.


Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 15


Fog was bad again today, I couldn't see the bridge until it was almost on top of me.

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 16


Ha! I like the pictures of the bridge that aren't!

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 17


Oddly enough it's been glorious both days, the fog cleared about 1/2 an hour after my photo of the lack of bridge.

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 18


My river was hazy in the distance today. I don't think it was fog. I'm pretty sure it must have been pollution!

The things you notice when you look carefully at the same view over and over.

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 19


You find yourself a bit more attentive to what you see around you, when you're walking round with a camera looking for likely shots. smiley - cool

Create's Feb Challenge : Z's taking photos of the Forth Briges

Post 20


It definately makes me see things a different way, and I'm loving being challenged by your views of Belfast.

One of the things I wanted to convey was the scale of the bridges, they are massively bigger than the town that built them.

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