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common scents

Post 1


I've found a way of brightening up the winter, which, here at least, has been exceptionally cold, dull and windy. I've spent some hard-earned dosh on some really posh organic aromatherapy oils. They are incredible: accept no substitutes! I got several as I managed to find a good wholesaler, and put in a joint order to take advantage of the wholesale prices. Particularly recommended are:
organic lavender, camomile, juniper, rosemary and melissa. These all smell so like the fresh herb or flower in question that, if I breathe in the scent and close my eyes, I'm surprised not to find the plant itself there when I open them.

The benzoin, made from resin, not plant oil as such, is also excellent - one of those unique and distinctive scents. But the best is attar of roses. Yes - I admit it - I actually bought some of this elusive and madly expensive stuff. It is absolutely mind-blowing: like filling an olympic swimming pool full of rose petals and climbing into it smiley - drunk. In fact, put like that, my tiny bottle with its essence of over a thousand roses was cheap at the price - and a lot easier to arrange at short notice.

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