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A series of open letters to the world, number 1

Post 1


Dear Parents,

I'm sure your child is intelligent and inquisitive, and is merely exploring his/her surroundings. However, if they could do that without continually kicking the back of my seat or grabbing hold of my leg, I'd be grateful. Could they perhaps be inquisitive in someone else's personal space? Yours perhaps? Or maybe encourage them to be less inquisitive when on public transport.



A series of open letters to the world, number 2

Post 2


Dear Mexican Wave,

Kindly feck off when I'm trying to enjoy a sporting event, particularly test cricket or a Brazilian passing movement. I'm not there to have my view blocked by sheep-like imbeciles, I'm there to watch sport in all it's many and varied forms. Some of the idiots with olympic football tickets may not appreciate a sweeping side-to-side passing move from Marcelo through four players to Rafael and then back again, and the beer-drinking fancy-dress barmy-army numbskulls may not appreciate a period of a batsman trying to find way to score from restrictive defensive bowling attack, but please don't legitimise their ignorance of what they're watching by giving them the option to make their own entertainment. You never turn up at the cinema during a tracking shot of hills in Lord of the Rings, or at the theatre or opera, so why must you insinuate yourself on MY chosen form of entertainment?



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A series of open letters to the world, number 1

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