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London bombs

Post 1


I had a very worrying time yesterday as my cousin Ali and best friend Jim (who I've known since I was in nursery school) both live in East London. I texted them both as soon as I heard the news- Jim texted back when he woke up at half twelve to assure me he hadn't been out, and Ali worried me by not responding til 7.00 as she'd left her mobile phone at home and had had to walk the five miles home after finishing work. She had been planning to go home from the weekend from King's Cross but that was obviously no longer possible.

Jim has this habit of worrying me- he was in Boston when the 9/11 planes got hijacked and at least two of them were flying out of Logan I think.

It's the most worried I've been about people in connection to a bomb since my home town of Warrington was targetted by the IRA some years ago. I suppose it's just inherently more stressful and heartbreaking when you have no idea if loved ones are affected. Obviously anyone who suffered that horror of finding out that they were deserve he sympathies of everybody. I hope no-one here lost anyone close to them.

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London bombs

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