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Questions that keep me awake at night

Post 1


Are there any Premier League footballers called Tim who don't play for Everton?
Is there an East Bromwich?
What is the point of Simon Cowell?

Questions that keep me awake at night

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I only know #3. The top of his head.

Questions that keep me awake at night

Post 3

Alfredo Marquez

1. Newcastle United have a Dutch goalkeeper named Tim Krul
2. I don't think so, but politically there is, rather confusingly, West Bromwich East
3. I'll go for he doesn't have one

smiley - ale

Questions that keep me awake at night

Post 4


When people say "Jesus H Christ", what does the H stand for?

Questions that keep me awake at night

Post 5

clzoomer- a bit woobly


(I asked)

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