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Story I just heard while listening to the Xfm radio station

Post 1


Embellished slightly by DJ lauren laverne sugegsting that the bomb disposal robot just wanted to do some karaoke...

Story I just heard while listening to the Xfm radio station

Post 2


They've changed the story on that page! the one I was trying to link to was this:

"Polyphonic Spree Cause Terrorist Airport Panic

A rogue microphone in the hand luggage of one the members of multi-headed, omni-voiced, be-robed symphonic pop collective The Polyphonic Spree caused chaos at a Dallas Fort Worth airport last week.

One of the Polyphonic Spree's 25-strong members, percussionist Brian Teasley, had completed a session with the band in Austin, Texas and was boarding a plane to go back to his home in Birmingham, Alabama.

Once there, he had intended to do some home recording and, as such, had packed one of the Spree’s especially designed microphones in his hand luggage.

However, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram his suitcase didn’t arrive in Birmingham as it had been detained by airport security staff in Texas, who had deemed it suspect as the microphone had wires coming out of it.

While Teasley filled in his missing luggage paperwork, the terminal area and several gates were forced to shutdown in Texas while a bomb disposal robot removed the offending package.

Teasley meanwhile, finally returned home to find a group of rather serious-looking security officials waiting for him.

"I had Taco Bell in my hand, and all of a sudden, these cars block me in my driveway. They've all got tinted windows, 'X-Files' style," he explained to the paper, "Then here comes one guy with a bulletproof vest on, another with a gun showing.

“It was a very harrowing day.""

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Story I just heard while listening to the Xfm radio station

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