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Post 1


"I've long known that Claptrap means rubbish or nonsense. I was browsing in a dictionary the other day, as one does, and learned that it came from things one could say on a stage or to an audience that meant very little, but were automatic applause-getters. (Things that literally trap, well, clapping.) And it's also the name of a machine they had once in old theatres that simulated the sound of applause. It's such a good word: anything declaimed from the stage that gets people clapping without thinking. Claptrap. And just as applicable to any side in a political debate..."

-Neil Gaiman, yesterday (


Post 2

Mu Beta

Doesn't Claptrap play left-back for Birmingham City?



Post 3


Shut up.


Post 4

Mu Beta

It's not my fault you only get silly replies to your journal postings. smiley - tongueout


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