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Fun toilet grafiti

Post 1


on the wall of a cublicle in the gents in the Murray library;

"If you've noticed this notice then you'll have noticed this notice isn't worth noticing"

underneath, with an arrow pointing at that:

"Now, I'm no f**king buddhist, but this IS enlightenment"

It just tickeled me. Like the public toilet my mate Tom told me about which had the graffiti "Craig Davies is a twat and he should give me my truck back"

Fun toilet grafiti

Post 2

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")


Fun toilet grafiti

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

My favourite is: *My mother made me a homosexual* To which some wag wrote underneath: *If I bought the wool, would she make me one too?*

Fun toilet grafiti

Post 4


I didn't see this, it was mentioned by one of the guys on the Comedy Gala....there was one that read "I r88ted your mother" (not sure if I can say that on here, even though no one oversaeas probably knows what it means smiley - winkeye).

Underneath it in different handwriting was written "Dad, you're pi$$ed, go home"

smiley - smiley

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