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Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 1


The Magic Roundabout Movie. Starring Kylie Minogue, tom Baker, jim Broadbent, bill Nighy, robbie Williams, Joanna Lumley and the great richard O' brien

The university gym has swicthed the male and female changing roms roound, apparently due to building work, and this almost led to me getting in a very embrassing situation as, while walking and reading my ermail on my phone,, I pushed the door of what is traditionally the male changing room, before looking up and seeing "FEMALE" in big writing on the door...

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*Pulls up chair, pours fresh smiley - tea, waits for subsequent posts...*

smiley - ok

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 3


I am quite confident, what with this one being rather barmy to begin with, that it would be hard to get odder.

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 4


Why would they switch the rooms around? To keep the smells regulated?

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 5


I have no idea. the refernce to building work made me think that maybe they had male builders in what was the female room, but once I was actually in there, there was no building work going on. I just find it peculiar.

But my new trainers did get their first work out while I was there.

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 6

clzoomer- a bit woobly

*To keep the smells regulated* !!! smiley - rofl Classic!

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 7


Can't get any odder eh? smiley - laugh

*calls in the reserves.*

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 8


Bring it oN!

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 9


smiley - wah They're all drunk, they've been out to lunch and on the smiley - redwine.

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 10

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Odd, you say? Odd as in not even, peculiar, or outside your frame of reference?

smiley - monster

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 11


Just went to the gym foir the first time since writing this journal entry, and they've switched the changing rooms back.

I also weighed myself. I am now the heaviest I have ever been. 12 stone 9, or 80kg

Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 12

Mu Beta

For someone who is a foot shorter than you, you make me feel very fat.


Sometimes life is just too odd/ gym chanfging rooms

Post 13


smiley - biggrin

I am still underweight on the BMi scale, but only just (I'm 19.4, and underweight stops at 20)

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