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The Culture Show

Post 1


I was watching the Culture Show on BBC2 last night, as I wanted to see the first TV interview by Scott Walker in ten years. After Scott's interview, I was surprised to find a feature on artchitecture v Tesco in Sunderand, one of the camnera shots being taken from the road I used to live in. There was then a feature on Darlington band We Start Fires, a band whose drummer used to date my old flatmate Karen. They were playing the South by SouthWest music festival in Austin, texas.

The things you find on BBC2!

The Culture Show

Post 2


It's frequently worth watching that show, yes indeed.

Scott Walker hadn't really crossed my radar screen before, other than to be a popular candidate for cover versions by Pop Idol contestants and the like. On that basis I had dismissed him and his cannon out of hand, which after watching the show I realise was totally wrong - a Jacques Brel fan? Well Hel-lo! smiley - bigeyes

I'm now enjoying a copy of Scott 2 courtesy of eBay, and I'm in on a few other auctions for his later CDs.

The Culture Show

Post 3

Mu Beta

Do 'We Start Fires' _actually_ start fires?

And where do they get performers' liability insurance?


The Culture Show

Post 4


I don't believe they do, no.

I've got an inherited Scott Walker obsession, as my mother loves him, but her CD collection does mean that I've never had to buy one of his albums myself. Cd writers are very nifty things...

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