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Hi Spiff...

Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Just to say I am subbing your entry A1921178 . i am almost done - just need to do a spell and punctuation check. Is there anything you would like changed or ammended? I took the 'wassat?' from one of the subheaders as I didn't think researchers with English a second language would 'get it'. Hope you don't mind, although I am still not happy with the replacement subheader. probably end up being A Phoenetic Alphabet - so what does it mean? or something more poetic perhaps!! I am awaiting a sudden burst of inspiration!

Anyway, give me a shout with anything you want tinkered with smiley - ok

smiley - cheers


Hi Spiff...

Post 2


Hi Mort, smiley - smiley

belated reply from me, soz.

Just read through your edit of my IPA entry; everything looking good. smiley - ok

Don't worry about that para heading, it looks fine as you have done it.

thanks for the subbing, smiley - ok

Hi Spiff...

Post 3

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


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