This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

Closed minds

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I think I may be working with a bigot. Just as well she's not going to be in my team when we finish training smiley - erm

Closed minds

Post 2


Bigot is a strong word to use, we're (well I am smiley - blush) all guilty of thoughtlessnees at times - misogyny, homophobia, isolationalism.....etc. If you were a 'team player' as you say, you need to apply pro-social modelling to improve her outlooksmiley - ok It may just be a defence mechanism, open your mind and look further smiley - winkeye Sometimes you need an outsider to play devil's advocate to understand the views of otherssmiley - cheerup Everyone ids entitled to their opinion, just because it differs from our own doesn't make it any less right smiley - smiley

I not having a dig at you smiley - laugh

Closed minds

Post 3

I'm not really here

Is it age? I'm finding my opinions are changing completely as I get older. When I was a younger I wanted a black baby as they were so much cuter than pasty white babies (mum fostered when I was growing up), now I've completely changed and keep thinking I want a child/grandchild that looks like me (ie white) and am rather horrified about that, as it means if J comes home in the future with a serious girlfriend who is not white I'd be disappointed.

Scares the crap out of me just writing it down. smiley - wah When did this happen to me!??? smiley - blue

Closed minds

Post 4


Just naturally hormonal, of course we want children who look like ussmiley - cheerup It is our genetic legacy. The fact that you have the courage to write your opinions for public dicussion indicates you are open minded enough to discuss your concerns

Closed minds

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Nah, she's younger than me. Mind you I checked her Facebook page and she seems to be pretty right wing - eek!

Closed minds

Post 6


"......pretty right wing"

Great minds......smiley - biggrin I'm slightly to the right of Ghengis Khan smiley - cool

Closed minds

Post 7


BTW Fords, what do you define as 'Right wing eek!' Anyone who doesn't conform to your wafty liberal idealism? smiley - huh

Closed minds

Post 8


A challenge!
Righty-o, OK lets get some definitions. What's wafty liberal idealism?

Closed minds

Post 9

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I had a curry last night, that's why I'm so wafty today smiley - tongueout

Closed minds

Post 10


Right so now we only need definitions on liberal and idealism.

Closed minds

Post 11

Trin Tragula

Liberal towards waftiness, both our own and that of others, while still clinging to the ideal that, one day, it might not be so wafty?

Closed minds

Post 12

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'm still thinking about swamp gas smiley - tongueout

Closed minds

Post 13


smiley - rofl I pretty certain that's what all politicians talk smiley - winkeye

Closed minds

Post 14


Could someone open a window, please?

Closed minds

Post 15

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'm afraid I can't do that

Closed minds

Post 16


*Uses handy can opener blade on trusty Swiss Army knife to create window in side of space craft. Gets sucked out and floats off into space. Uses handy rocket pack blade on trusty Swiss Army knife and eventually flies back in through hole. Uses handy welding torch blade on trusty Swiss Army Penknife to reseal hole*
Brrrrr. It's cold out there but at least it smells a bit better in here.

Closed minds

Post 17


smiley - evilgrin Time for some industrial strength guffs smiley - winkeye No worse than the guff politicians spout endlessly, anyone as bored as I am with elections in the news latelysmiley - sadface We should follow Polands example smiley - winkeye

Closed minds

Post 18

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Follow Poland's example? What, have Gordon and Sarah Brown wiped out in a plane crash? Poor taste imo.

Closed minds

Post 19

Baron Grim


Closed minds

Post 20


Why limit it to barbequeing just those two, poor taste? I should cocoa, bet lightly grilled politico tastes awful smiley - yuk
I really don't like politicians, smiley - sorry it goes with the territory of doing their dirty work in the Armed Forces for so many years smiley - cross, I never minded dispatching people to whichever deity they happened to support for Queen, Country and my controllers (Non-political).smiley - cool
If this is distasteful for you to face, the reality of what I did to preserve your democratic right to hold the views you do - well tough!

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