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Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Oct 18, 2006
Well, my disability benefit check arrived today, so not too much of a hurdle. However, yesterday I got an ICU bill for $62,000. If I hadn't already heard about the amount months ago, might have had another heart attack opening that one!!
Went to Pranic healing again last night. If nothing else, it's quite a relaxing thing. Quiet "ommmhhhh" music on the stereo, a healer walking around and waving the bad energy away, and getting occasionally sprinkled with pleasant smelling water... Oddly, enough I think it might even be working. My ankles do feel less bloated following a session, and my body feels less tight, more flexible. Go figure.
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Oct 18, 2006
$62,000!!! I almost had a heart attack myself when I read that.
How are you expected to ever pay that off? Do they give you reasonable bank terms, etc? Holy guacamole!
It's either more than two year's normal salary or one Christian Dior gown (putting it into obscene perspective).
Do they actually ever expect that you will pay this off in your lifetime? And if they do, have they given you any idea of how you might manage to do this?
Jeeze Louise! In both Canada and also in Spain hospitals are *not allowed* to turn away any emergency case, whether the person has social security or private health insurance or nothing at all. And in the cases where someone has nothing at all I don't think they ever recuperate the costs. It has always amazed me that the Most Powerful Government In The Entire World does not take care of its citizen's basic health needs.
Much 'lesser' countries seem to do much better.
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Oct 20, 2006
Therein lies the rub! Why do you think that Clinton was so hated? (okay, he was a jerk for getting blown in the Oval Office, but he actually balanced the budget, and at least *tried* to get bin Laden) National health care??? Why, that's Socialism! Higher taxes for the rich that might pay for the poor?? Why, we must end all entitlement programs, let the poor and the homeless fend for themselves!!!
Never mind that there are far more little guys paying in to the same system, that even at *much* smaller amounts, they will pay a dozen times over for the system than the rich *ever* will. It's all about the rich, you know...they shouldn't have to pay for anything in this society. I'm actually hearing rumblings of people who think we should have a *paid subscription* military!!! How the h*ll would THAT work, anyway? And I'm sure richee sh*t doesn't stink, either.
Actually, if I can't get out of it, and I can't get ATP (ability to pay) I'll finally have to declare bankruptcy. That sticks in my craw, but there is no earthly way I could pay that off. Not to mention the as-near-as-I-can-figure-it $175,000 to $200,000 for my surgery and the balance of my nearly one month hospital stay. $62,000 is literally for my stay from 4-6 to 4-11. I was in hospital from 4-6 to 5-1.
I'm already a county patient, though, and have been for about 3 years, so I may fit under the "ability-to-pay" program. Then, I would owe nothing, as I have nothing.
I could maybe fetch $10 for the beasties, if I have to auction them off on eBay, but it's just not enough...
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Nov 1, 2006
Just got your email and sent some emergency s. Let me know what you think of my suggestion.
Meanwhile, thought you'd like this (if you haven't seen it already). Found it on hmh's blog yesterday - really super cool!
It updates every five minutes and shows you the earth from wherever it is noon, including cloud formations (if you want them).
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Back to the Coal Mine?
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