This is the Message Centre for Spaceechik, Typomancer
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 10, 2006
Well, this is getting distressing.
The ankles were really swollen yesterday (and it was not helped by a 1.5 hr. road trip up to Ventura for the day, then back). Today, it's still swollen, and got that way in record time this morning. Usually takes a few hours to balloon up.
And the wound at the bottom of the right incision is oozing, something I was told to look out for. The wound is not hot to the touch, however, so I'm thanking Bob for small favors.
I'm very worried now; think I'll take a trip to the doctor tomorrow.
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 10, 2006
Oh dear. Do you think the heat is also affecting the swelling? In any case, it seems quite clear that you are not ready to go back to work. Any final word from the bureaucrats yet as to whether your cheque has been sent?
Have you spoken to your doctor about the wound? Does this mean it's infected?
Sorry for so many questions. Let us know what the doctor says tomorrow.
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 12, 2006
Oh, and check your email - the cats have a favour to ask you.
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 13, 2006
I ended up not going; I called the hospital the night before and they paged him, and after going through describing what things looked like, etc. for 15 minutes, he said that if it continues oozing or seems to continue to swell so quickly, to tell the nurse to schedule me for an immediate drop-in on the day I call her.
I feel a bit better, and the swelling was not *as* bad, the day before yesterday and yesterday. I may have overdone the walking today, so I'll wait and see how I am in the morning.
Still don't know about the bennies; doctor said the nurse usually fills out the form, he signs a stack at a time, so he doesn't know. he thinks I should be okay, though.
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 13, 2006
Fingers crossed about the bennies! Do you at least have an understanding landlord in case the cheque arrives late?
The first summer I spent in Sevilla I had next to no work and simply could not pay my rent in August. So I asked my landlord if I could pay one-and-a-half months rent in September and October and he said - 'oh, okay'. This from a guy who had also told me I didn't have to pay a deposit when I first moved in (bless him! I really didn't have it at the time) and after two women living downstairs had stopped paying their rent for six months and then did a runner - packing up and leaving in the middle of the night. So I felt especially appreciative because he didn't even have a security deposit to withhold if I didn't pay up. Of course I did, and I knew I would. But it's always nice when people trust you.
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 13, 2006
Well, I've been here for going on 11 years as of next month. The real estate management company is pretty quick off the dime, however. I once paid my rent before the 1st (because I was out of town on the 1st), and got a "3-day notice to pay or quit" tag on my door a week after, because they didn't record the payment I'd made!!
I'm about to call the hospital and the state again as soon as I get offline. for all your encouragement, az!
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 14, 2006
Gaaa, that's pretty awful - "3-day notice to pay or quit" - and would they really have a legal way of doing this? Especially after 11 years. Good grief!
I guess I've been lucky dealing with individuals rather than agencies.
I think in terms of the hospital and your benefits you've just got to become the *sqeaky wheel* you know?. Pester them constantly and never take no for an answer. And when some bureaucrat is giving you grief simply ask to speak to a superior. Oh, and also ask for *their* name and make a big deal about getting the spelling right.
How much is your rent? I have no idea what rental stuff goes for in southern California. Here we pay about 600 euros for our two-bedroom flat - very reasonable, all things considered. But that's also because I've lived here for 13 years - it would probably be a helluva lot more if we moved out and someone new took the place over.
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 14, 2006
got your email - thanks. I was spam??? In any case, the cats have a wee thing to send you, just something to make you smile a bit - I hope!
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 18, 2006
az, don't feel too bad about being spam -- I sent something from one of my other sign-ons, on AOL mind you, and it ended in the spam folder, too!
I've been house sitting for the last 5 days and will be home tomorrow; tried to post yesterday, but hootoo wasn't having any -- kept getting an "unknown error" message.
I got an answer today on my bennies -- the woman I talked to today is authorizing a check which should be mailed tomorrow, but after that I have to get a form filled out by my doctor on my diabetes history -- which he had forgot to mention. Seems what he *did* mention was so sketchy, they were investigating!! Now they know WHY I've been authorized for such a long stint. I'm taking a breather, before entering the "take this form and shove... er, complete it!" fray!
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 21, 2006
Well, that's a relief. You certainly don't need to be fretting about money problems when you should be concentrating on feeling better.
How are you feeling these days?
And - oops! - forgot to post the card from los gatitos. Will get that done this weekend.
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 21, 2006
Turns out I'm not going to get much rest between frays.
My doctor's authorization was tossed aside. They paid for the past 35 days, but cancelled the rest of the authorized period, which *was* up to Sept. 21. Now I get to start all over.
Witty and I should get together and compare notes on bureaucracy-battling!
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 22, 2006
Oh no! Does this mean you just need to re-apply or is there a chance your application might not be accepted?
Will you be able to pay your rent?
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 22, 2006
I got a new continuation of disability form, so I'm just starting over -- since my doctor had okayed me to Sept.21, it's on the state to prove their case, not me.
I got my check yesterday; I will be able to pay my rent and utilities for next month, with a little left over. Hopefully, this application won't take as long as the other. I'm going to the hospital on Monday afternoon to get the ball rolling. I've got my acct. class in the morning, so think energetic thoughts at me that I don't burn out!
On another front, I woke up this morning with an odd round little "window-like" spot in my vision, kinda like a magnified area in my right eye? So I will now have to battle the hospital to get a referral to the opthamology clinic. It's always something...
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 24, 2006
Is your eye still going weird? I sometimes get a little 'black patch' in the inner corner of my right eye, which I think is stress related. Did you call your doc about it?
I don't think I know about this accounting class - how long have you been doing it?
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 24, 2006
Yeah, the thingy is still going on. It only lasts for two or three blinks, when I first open my eyes, like a little reflection of a cluster of blood vessels. I'm worried mostly as I already have no peripheral vision in my L eye to the upper left of center. If my R eye goes wonky, I might not be able to work!
I'm going to the hospital tomorrow afternoon, to turn in the new continuation of benefits form; I'll see about getting a referral to the eye clinic at that time. I am not looking forward to that trip!! It's going to be *so* hot!
The Accounting class I'm trying to finish is one I was in last year, and had gotten more than half way through. I signed in again, two weeks ago, but unfortunatley, haven't felt up to class much, and last week was too far away to attend anyway. Just feel as though I should try to finish up, as the certificate could help me get a good paying job when I return to work.
Hope everything on your end is going well, with the biz, and the heat!
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 24, 2006
Well, if the course can be taken at your leisure it seems a good thing to finish. Put don't push yourself too much - if you don't feel well enough now then try again later.
Thought you'd enjoy this link. A new picture every day.
Things with the biz are pretty slow - we're told that building up a client base on the internet could TAKE TIME so we're doing what we can about at the moment, including putting a couple of garments up for auction on eBay - one as an idividual garment, the other in a wholesale lot of 12, so fingers crossed on that. Meanwhile, classes have dwindled to next to nothing and so that's rather worrying, but we just have to try and make ends meet as best we can.
Nog and I are thinking of working on our books over the rest of the summer - wrote about it here.
Back to the Coal Mine?
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Jul 26, 2006
I've been battling the 'Puter Goblins, since Monday! Couldn't get online on my ancient desktop; tried again yesterday, no joy. Then I remembered my ancient laptop -- *still* no progress.
This morning, discovered that the Goblins musta got beaten up by the Web Faeries, 'cause here I am!
It's warm as blazes here, has been for a week. Yesterday I popped over to the hospital med recs department to drop off the benefits form. Well, popped is perhaps the teensiest misnomer...2 hrs out, 30 minutes there, 2 hours back...then a trip to the grocery, and a half mile walk home. My L ankle hurt so bad last night, it burned like the aforementioned blazes, so I had to take ibuprofen.
Sorry to hear biz is slow; I'm hoping that the ankle will be managable soon, so I can get back to work. THEN, I have my eye on a couple of things in your catalog.
Oddly enough, since I got sick, I've lost about 22 pounds, and miraculously, I'm still very slowly losing more. Have no idea what size I'll be wearing by the time I'm working again. Now if I could just get some work shoes that would fit, I could go back soon.
Back to the Coal Mine?
azahar Posted Jul 27, 2006
You've lost 22 pounds! Is this a good thing? Having never seen you (ahem - no photo in the gallery) I have no idea if you needed to lose weight or not. Well, I hope it's a good thing.
That's odd about the puters. Maybe it was AOL screwing up.
Did you see a doctor when you went to the hospital? Have you got an appointment to see an eye specialist?
Saw this morning that it's only going up to 35º today - looks like the heatwave is finally breaking after almost three solid weeks of 42-42º.
Key: Complain about this post
Back to the Coal Mine?
- 21: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 10, 2006)
- 22: azahar (Jul 10, 2006)
- 23: azahar (Jul 12, 2006)
- 24: azahar (Jul 12, 2006)
- 25: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 13, 2006)
- 26: azahar (Jul 13, 2006)
- 27: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 13, 2006)
- 28: azahar (Jul 14, 2006)
- 29: azahar (Jul 14, 2006)
- 30: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 18, 2006)
- 31: azahar (Jul 21, 2006)
- 32: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 21, 2006)
- 33: azahar (Jul 22, 2006)
- 34: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 22, 2006)
- 35: azahar (Jul 24, 2006)
- 36: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 24, 2006)
- 37: azahar (Jul 24, 2006)
- 38: azahar (Jul 26, 2006)
- 39: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Jul 26, 2006)
- 40: azahar (Jul 27, 2006)
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