This is the Message Centre for Spaceechik, Typomancer
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Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Ryogasoul Posted Nov 13, 2007
Yep, we were at the ISDC and helped with the kids program.
It was great, although everyone still raved about the one in LA. Everyone except a parent who said the kid's program was a fright with hard metal chairs and open doorways and few activities.
Well, get a parent to work with kids.
Anyway, we are OK but I'm underemployed which is yucky.
Hope that you are doing well
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Nov 15, 2007
Hey, there, R!!
Things have been a changing, here... First of all, not "here" anymore, but living about 450+ miles north in the SF Bay area. I couldn't find work, so I've moved in with Pat, one of the old OASIS folks. I'm kinda trying to get my bearings, I've only been up "here" for 10 days or so. It's a huge change -- I lived in LA for 37 years or thereabouts. But there's a bunch of places to work up here, since it's Silicon Valley, after all.
How's the fam? I hope everyone's doing well, and that you're due to get some good luck soon!
Is your old addy still active? I'll drop you a line there -- and my old AOL is still working, so if you don't hear from me, drop me a line, okay? GREAT to hear from you...
Pass on s to everyone.
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Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
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