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Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Started conversation May 7, 2006
How to have a heart attack:
Firstly, if you should happen to be on the bus on your way to work and your right side starts going numb (including the right side of your tongue), .
Secondly, at least CONSIDER using your mobile to call "911", the emergency number. Sure, you might be able to transfer to the next bus quite handily, and ride to the hospital at the end of the line in only 45 minutes, but buses don't generally carry oxygen tanks should you require one. This type of exploit also leaves you open to witty comments to your friends from the ICU nurse, who tells them, "Oh yes, she was transferred to County USC this morning -- we gave her a couple of bus tokens, but she should be there by now!".
Thirdly, you should follow all that health advice you've heard for years on diabetes and cardio care.
Welcome to the Cardiac Bypass Experience (unfortunately NOT a 60's rock band).
I'm home now, and having to alternate between walking a little bit more each day and keeping my legs up, to keep down swelling and the possiblility of blood clots. I was stir crazy after half a day...and couldn't go online until today. And then only for half an hour at a time.
The cats missed me terribly, and Rocket has taken to pinning himself to my side. Missy has even allowed me to pet her, to show she forgives me for letting my friends come into the house to care for them. Wow.
Gotta put the legs up, more later.
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
azahar Posted May 7, 2006
Wow! This answers my question on the Lua thread about wondering where you've been. Oh, poor you!
How long ago did this happen? How long have you been home?
Are you okay?
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 7, 2006
Hi az, it's good to hear from you, and thanks for the kind wishes!
This all started on Apr 6, while I was on my way in to work, and I just got home on MOnday. I thought I was having a TIA or "mini-stroke", like I did 6 years ago; I was stunned when they told me it was a "mild" heart attack. Didn't hurt at all, and if my tongue hadn't started going numb in that peculiar one-sided way, I might even have gone on to work! I was extremely lucky, there was no damage to my heart, even though I had one completely blocked artery and two others which were iffy.
I had a triple cardiac bypass surgery on Apr 21, and they let me go home on May 1. I've been doing okay, and the pain from the surgery is getting less every day. Only worries now are swelling in my legs; if there's an infection, I could lose a leg. Something I'm not willing to even think about now.
My babies were so happy to see me, Missy almost came out with strangers in the house! Three of my friends took turns looking after the cats, and Missy was spotted only once in that whole time; my friend's 11 year old daughter found her under the end of the bed, and took a camera phone pic to show me she was okay. I kept a picture of Rocket with me that she had taken, to cheer me up. He's such a pretty boy, it worked!
I'm off work for about 5-6 weeks more, depending on how my follow up check goes. Lost my temp job contract though; it's really a shame, the pay was good and I still had 3 months to go on it. I'll go back to the same agency after, I just hope they will place me.
How's your business coming? I hope you'll get a lot of orders, I love the idea behind your clothes. I'm afraid the backlog is too much for me now on almost all fronts, and I'm hoping I'll get a pass from Lil!
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted May 7, 2006
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Teuchter Posted May 7, 2006
Gosh - that was a bit of an adventure.
I'm glad you're back on your feet - and I hope life gets completely back to normal for you soon.
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Mrs Zen Posted May 7, 2006
What they said. You take care, girl, d'you hear me?
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 9, 2006
Thanks for the good wishes! I'm making a bit of progress each day, and trying to walk more; loath the stairs though, it takes so long to go up or down them!
I'm so jazzed -- I acually got to go out today, had lunch with a couple of friends from out of town. I also discovered, that if you ask really nice, they really will make your meal without any added fat. Salt is probably another thing altogether -- one step at a time!
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
azahar Posted May 9, 2006
Glad to hear you got out for awhile, SC. How are the legs feeling?
A friend of mine is on a salt restricted diet and finds when she goes out to eat that places are usually very good at recommending things that can be prepared without salt. For example, at one place we went to the owner apologised that they wouldn't be able to prepare her fresh pasta without salt as they tend to use the same lightly salted water for several orders at once, but he was happy to recommend some other dishes that he said they could prepare without adding any salt to.
I should think in southern California there would be quite a variety of restaurants that could cater to your diet.
Is Rocket still glued to your side? He is such a gorgeous boy that I can really understand having his photo with you at the hospital helped cheer you up. And glad to hear that Missy has forgiven you. She probably can sense that you're not feeling well and I'm sure she's very happy to have you home again.
It's a shame that you lost your temp position - I remember how pleased you were at getting it in January. I'm sure the agency will help out when you are ready to get back to work again.
Meanwhile, pop by and visit my new weblog sometime.
And keep taking very good care of yourself!
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Ryogasoul Posted May 16, 2006
Oh my goodness!
Take care of yourself.
All of our wishes go with you.
Let the cats take care of you, they'll add years to your life.
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 17, 2006
Ryogasoul!! -- It's great to hear from you!! I hope you're all doing well these days!
I'm doing okay, right now; I tend to get wiped out pretty easily -- which will change as soon as I start doing all that walking I'm supposed to do! It's been 3 1/2 weeks since my surgery, and I was able to do a solo bus run this morning, to a cardio appt., but waiting around for my meds almost finished me off.
Did you happen to go to the ISDC this year? Unfortunately, I missed it (for obvious reasons! ), even though it was local for me. Next year, it'll be local for you, and I'm planning on going. Maybe we could meet up there? It'll also give me a chance to see my brother, in Denton. I was so bummed to miss it -- it seems to have been the best one yet.
Take care, y'all!
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 24, 2006
Yup -- walked over to the clinic (~ 1/2 mile) to have blood drawn for an appt. next week.
Having some interesting times, re the incisions -- there's lumps along them in a couple of places. Guess I call the nurse practioner in the morning... They don't seem serious, though. Maybe just those keloid thingys scars get sometimes?
Thanks for asking, az!
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution) Posted May 29, 2006
Sorry i missed out on all of this. my mom had her second hip surgery about the sane time, and i haven't check the site since 4 or five weeks
good thing you had the cats to keep you company afterwards. they can be a blessing. hope the doctors are satisfied with your test results.
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 30, 2006
Gosh, nim, how's your mom doing?? I'm sorry that she had to go through that a second time.
My aunt had the same surgery done as your mom, about 25 years ago. It was still pretty new then, and I remember what *she* went through. I certainly hope it's gotten easier on the patient in all that time!
I did find my cats a big help, nim. They were very forgiving that I abandoned them for a month, and didn't make me suffer at all -- well, for very long anyway!
Speaking of cats, how are you and Rachel getting on?
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution) Posted May 31, 2006
Mom had absolutely no problems this time, thanks for asking though. she's just a bit upset that she's not supposed to walk whithout somebody being with her for another 2 weeks. we have to put her wallker out of reach, else she goes ahead all alone
Rachel... she's calmed down a bit. the one week i spend the days at the hospital made her a bit more dependent on me today, she first purred at me 2 times in bed, and then let me pick her up and pet her 2 more times before breakfast. but she still bites too, and storms around the flat.
is it wrong of me to completely adore her?
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted May 31, 2006
az: << Did you get the lumps along the incisions checked out, SC?
How are your legs these days? >>
Short answer -- the legs are still all swollen.
Yes, I did. I went in to the doctor yesterday for my diabetes check up (imagine -- they threatened to drop me from their clinic if I didn't come in *soon*!!). She checked my legs out and said that they were healing well; the lower left scar didn't concern her either -- although it's the least healed of the lot. The lumps she said were just scar tissue; it'll improve, but never completely go away.
I got my lab tests back: I was astonished!! When I had my HBA1C test done in Feb., it was 7.3 -- okay, but not great. They really like that one (a test which covers how good your blood sugar control is over the previous 3 month period) to be below 7. My HBA1c from last week came back at 5.8!!!
My total cholesterol had dropped from 239 in Nov. to 145; LDL dropped from 158 to 111; Triglycerides went from 205 to 116. The only thing which went the wrong way was my HDL -- the "good" cholesterol -- which went from 40 to 30; the doctor said it'll go up again when I start exercising more.
Everyhing was great until she started messing around with my insulin schedule -- daft woman wants to make my meds "simpler"! Simpler was how my diabetes led to a heart attack in the first place!!. Tighter control, not half-a**ed, I say!!
There, that's better. I'll bet you're sorry you asked, az ...
nim, Rachel will stop biting (although the racing around may never stop! Rocket got his name for a reason!). Congratulations on your translation job, BTW!
I hope you get a little time to yourself -- you've been there for everyone else for quite a while now. You need some "nim" time.
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Ryogasoul Posted Jun 2, 2006
I'm so glad you're doing better. No, we didn't get out to the ISDC this year, but we'll see you next year for sure.
-R ^o^
Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Posted Apr 20, 2007
This will tell you how discombobulated I am!! I just saw this!
Are you and T working on ISDC much this time around, seeing as it's in your backyard, so to speak? One of these days I've *got* to get back to TX (did I mention my brother lives in Denton now?), and I think that's by you as well. Nice two-fer! FSM knows, I'd rather see you guys than my bro, anyway...
Been back on the job market for a couple of weeks now, and hoping to be working soon; all travel plans wait until after that, but when I do get out there, I'll look you up!
Take care and have fun, all!
, D
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Life is what happens while you're making other plans...
- 1: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 7, 2006)
- 2: azahar (May 7, 2006)
- 3: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 7, 2006)
- 4: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (May 7, 2006)
- 5: Teuchter (May 7, 2006)
- 6: Mrs Zen (May 7, 2006)
- 7: Witty Moniker (May 8, 2006)
- 8: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 9, 2006)
- 9: azahar (May 9, 2006)
- 10: Ryogasoul (May 16, 2006)
- 11: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 17, 2006)
- 12: azahar (May 24, 2006)
- 13: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 24, 2006)
- 14: nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution) (May 29, 2006)
- 15: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 30, 2006)
- 16: nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution) (May 31, 2006)
- 17: azahar (May 31, 2006)
- 18: Spaceechik, Typomancer (May 31, 2006)
- 19: Ryogasoul (Jun 2, 2006)
- 20: Spaceechik, Typomancer (Apr 20, 2007)
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