This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

Exciting times!

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

After deciding to hand in my notice on Monday, I've been approached by an agency regarding a very prestigious job working for a big legal firm, a job with many prospects and more money (although that's not too important to me right now) and I've been praised mightily for my secretarial and typing skills. Which is nice smiley - smiley

I also decided to join the local hospital radio station. I went along last night to meet the chairman, who I had a chat with and showed me round. Wow! I was like a kid in a sweetshop! smiley - wow VERY nice setup!!

My youngest sis is also getting married. We knew it would happen, but we all thought her other half was going to wait until they got to Disneyland at Crimbo, but we're all really happy for her. And she's asked me to be her maid of honour smiley - blush

Only rubbish things to happen - I managed to Superglue my fingers together yesterday and the other day an old family friend died. But he'd been ill for ages so it was probably a good thing for him in the end...

Exciting times!

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit behind a brand new desk
FOR D=4; s<S; +2
smiley - goodluck in the new job.
smiley - cheers to the happy couple (any date jet?)
And smiley - cheerup with your 'old family friend'.

Exciting times!

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Good luck with the new job, and the being a bridesmaid doobry, I think every wedding should include a drunken badger0obsessed bridesmaid smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

Exciting times!

Post 4

Mu Beta

I'm more interested in how on earth you managed to superglue your fingers together. smiley - erm


Exciting times!

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'll see if I can get a black and white dress smiley - biggrin

I was trying to glue a bead that had fallen off my bag back onto it, the glue, for want of a better word, spurted out quicker than I expected and went all over my hand...

Exciting times!

Post 6

Mu Beta

Only you could make such a normal domestic mishap sound erotic. smiley - biggrin


Exciting times!

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Ho yus! smiley - winkeye

Exciting times!

Post 8

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I feel I should say something at this point, but I'm not sure what. smiley - erm

Exciting times!

Post 9

Mu Beta

Did you offer a nail instead? smiley - biggrin


Exciting times!

Post 10

Event Horizon

I'm shocked (though I know I shouldn't be by nowsmiley - laugh)!

Go fords! I admire your decision to quit & chase after something better, I've often thought I'd like to do something else but don't quite know what or how to start. Hmmm, maybe I should follow your lead.

I hope you get your rewards soon! smiley - ok

Exciting times!

Post 11


Onwards and upwards! A maid of honour! I expect the superglue was to ensure you don't drop the posy when the bride throws it. Have you thought of velcro?

Exciting times!

Post 12

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*thinks of Velcro*

smiley - erm

Exciting times!

Post 13


*Rubs velcro on vest.*
It's nice isn't it?

Exciting times!

Post 14

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - huh How do you do that without it sticking to your vest?

Exciting times!

Post 15


*Looks at vest which is covered in bits of Velcro, posy and wedding cake*
It's just a knack!

Exciting times!

Post 16

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Thanks guys smiley - smiley Handed my notice in today, it was kinda hard to do actually!

Catch the posy? I can think of better, more exciting things to Superglue myself to smiley - bigeyes

Exciting times!

Post 17

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ho yus? smiley - bigeyes

Exciting times!

Post 18

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Ho yus! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyes

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