This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

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Post 1

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"Good to see you are greeting newbees. smiley - erm

However there is a tiny factual error in your message (I have not checked them all, but I trust they are identical smiley - tongueout).

>I see you've already changed your name from
>your Researcher number (your unique ID),
>but if you want to amend it in any way,
>simply click Preferences on the menu tab
>and invent away - but keep it clean!

The newbees will be only confused by your story about the user number.
Somewhere round 12th october last year the login procedure has changed a little (known as SSO), everyone now gets their login name as username by default.
(You could have noticed by the absence of 'Researcher ######' in the newbee list.)

And, while tring not to be nitpicking: 'keep it clean' is in the official < <./>houserules</.> > known as 'keep it decent and _NO_ web addresses'. smiley - smiley "

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Post 2

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yes, I know all this but some people still use their researcher number. And frankly I'm not sure what your point is smiley - erm

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Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"I presume one of the ideas of ACEing to be creating less confusion. Your welcoming message could be updated to reflect a more recent entrane to the site.

Alternatively you could search for a pre-BBC ACEing smiley - weird Welcome and suggest there is only Goo.

I am not quite sure what is the default skin as I use default brunel on all my systems. I presume the skin for new vistitors (no previous preferences in a cookie) also to be brunel.."

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Post 4

Nephew Who

"Hi there, well your message is not really directed toward a newbee. It is directed toward a 'returning' researcher.

I just got in, I was presented with the < <./>Welcome</.> > message.

Now I have this message

You haven't filled in any details about yourself, so other Researchers can't leave you messages. Why not write something about yourself so that other users can talk to you. What you write will appear in the 'About Me' section which you will see at the bottom of your page, but other people will see at the top.

Until I wrote something on my Personal Space (DNA2.3)

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Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I haven't confused anybody so far.

And yes, Brunel is the default skin but I advise newbies to check out their menu panel and leave it at that.

This is the second time you've contacted me regarding ACEing, can I ask why?

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Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

The h2g2 encourages everyone to have their own personalised User Space, but you can still post messages and have messages left on your space. Like I just did smiley - smiley

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Post 7

Waiting Room

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! smiley - cross You know when I said 'let me know what addy'? It's cos I don't have it you ninny! smiley - tongueout Now can you text it please! (Or IM me) smiley - winkeye

A smiley - pony on the edge

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Post 8

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"I bother mainly while, just like I wrote in some previous post, ACE-ing seems to be just dumping the same message again and again.

I have no idea why I pick you to 'complain' to, probably because your message is heavyly outdated.

You 'haven't confused anybody so far' ? That is something we will never know for sure, I nearly quit after being 'ACEd'. "

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Post 9

fords - number 1 all over heaven

[email protected] smiley - biggrin

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Post 10

fords - number 1 all over heaven

People I ACE thank me for the warm welcome.

How can you say my welcome is so 'heavily outdated'? I created that new one a few weeks ago! And yes, it is a cut and paste job but I tailor it to each researcher. Many ACEs do this as it's more convenient, especially when there are so many newcomers to welcome; it's simply too time consuming to write a new one every time!

As for you nearly quitting after being ACEd, that's the fault of Jodan. Maybe you should raise the issue with him?

If you care about this so much, why don't you join the ACE scheme yourself?

Sorry for this interruption in your surfing

Post 11

Waiting Room

Thanks Tracey. smiley - ok

(Sorry, hadn't realised I was posting in a pedants thread. Makes me laugh when someone who hasn't been on this site more than 16 months starts telling those of us who've been here years how things should be done! smiley - laugh Maybe you should go to their personal space and give them some design and layout tips... looks like they need it! smiley - winkeye)

smiley - hugsmiley - pony

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Post 12

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"Well, perhaps one day I will, joining the <./>ACE</.>s that is. (If they leave the badge out)

And perhaps your message has been assembled recently, it is the information you seem to have that is outdated. And while I can greet anyone, as long as I do not pretend to be an ACE. I have no obligation in giving good and usefull information. (It is just I can technically understand some problems researchers have smiley - geek)

I will not deny you can chat alot better then I do, so the researchers who manage to stay, will get on the right track. smiley - smiley

It is currently the case that most newbees do not have an idea what their usernumber is.

Why is it everytime we get in touch we end up in an 'argument' I only wanted to drop some information. "

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Post 13

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit <./>online</.> for 333 days 24 hours a day
"I can not find any contributor to this conversation not beeing posting for the last 16 months smiley - huh"

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Post 14

fords - number 1 all over heaven

She means that we have both been on-site longer than your 16 months.

Look, I don't want an argument with you but I seem to be the only one you're nitpicking on. There are a hell of a lot of ACEs out there who don't even bother to do any work. I work hard as an ACE and am proud of it and really can't see why you've taken an interest in me.

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Post 15

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"You still do not et what I am talking about.
--I admire the 'curage' and stubborness of any of you ACEs. Special you and some others I see regularly (loup, VV, some more).

It is just we have to prevent these ACEings do look like being created by an ACEbot. (one pre SSO in this case)

Do not be fooled by my relative high Unumber, like I wrote previous I may have been online more then you both together. I also have tried more buttons then you will find.

I cam to your recent ACE activity browsing the 'most recent conversations' of the last day. "

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Post 16

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Just because you might be on more hours of the day does not automatically qualify you for being 'better' than someone who has been here years and knows the site inside out, so please don't start preaching at me.

I appreciate that there is a danger of new people thinking greetings are automatically generated, but if you actually bothered to read my welcome message properly you will see that I tell the newbie to post to my space if they need help by, and this is the good bit, BY CLICKING ON MY NAME. Therefore, a newbie comes by my space and sees that I AM NOT A ROBOT.

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Post 17

Waiting Room

TiT - I'm sorry you misunderstood me (although I didn't say /posting/ in last sixteen months) and your own replies are extremely difficult to read. Perhaps English is not your first language? In which instance, both the difficulties in your comprehension/posting in this thread, and in the case of this particular ACE's excellent work, is totally understandable.

May I suggest that if you have specific comments about the ACE scheme or how ACEs operate that you should direct them to the <./>ACES</.> page. Continuing to pick on one person because they are dedicated enough to respond to your misjudged comments could become construed as stalking or bullying.

smiley - pony

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Post 18

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit stumbling over another welcome
"smiley - ok !"

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