This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

open university you say...

Post 1

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

what part of history are you studying?

open university you say...

Post 2

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I've just started, but my first module is Introduction to the Humanities, which is a mix of absolutely everything. Last week, poetry, this week art, next week philosophy smiley - smiley Do you do OU too? smiley - biggrin

open university you say...

Post 3

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

no, im 17, im a bit too young at the mo. my dad does though, you get visit his page if you go to the bottom of my personal sapce, hes william of middenshire!

open university you say...

Post 4

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Cool, what does he do?

open university you say...

Post 5

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

romans, at the moment hes doing a project on roman families. hes been doing OU for a few years now.

open university you say...

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

He doing the History degree too then?

open university you say...

Post 7

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*


open university you say...

Post 8

fords - number 1 all over heaven

What year's he in?

open university you say...

Post 9

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

im not sure, ill have to check

open university you say...

Post 10

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

ill tell you when ive found out

open university you say...

Post 11

fords - number 1 all over heaven

OK smiley - smiley

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