This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yo Ford.

Post 1

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

Your a busy girl. I am looking around or newbies to welcome and your all over the place. Good for you. I have one request or suggestion. Whne you welcome someone can you put a '...' after the subject. It lets the rest of us Aces that you have been there. I mean I forget all the time but I try to. Earlier I forgot to add a subject all together. Feisor gave me the '...' clue. He set me a page of all kinds of tips for Aces that I will send you if you want it. Well, I will talk to you soon.
See you around Cyper Space.
Shoal Prexysmiley - towel

Yo Ford.

Post 2

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

sorry about all the typos.

Yo Ford.

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Thanks for the comments.

I remember the big discussion about this on the Aceforum a while back, but it fell apart about people bitching about how many dots for ACEs, Guardian Angels, etc. Personally, I don't like the 3 dots; I don't think it's all that friendly to be honest and as there isn't really a 'set' subject heading (I've seen many variations) I stick to my exclamation mark. Nobody's complained so far....smiley - smiley

Yo Ford.

Post 4

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

Cool, I was just told to do it by Feisor and it seems to me to help but each his/hers own

Yo Ford.

Post 5

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

Ps I hope you don't think me rude for asking

Yo Ford.

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Not at all smiley - biggrin

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