This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend


Post 41

Man of Legend


I've just figured it out, after doing some very clever (and possibly holistic) detecting. It seems like, and I'm sure your aware of this, that your account was either moved incorectly, or there is someone else using your pseudonym. Anyway I have now but the right version of you on my friends list. I will see if I can get that personal message now, or at least send one to the right account.




Post 42


Hello Leg-End,

see you can remember to come on here when you want too lolsmiley - tongueout

you cant see mine? hmmm thats odd smiley - ermit can be a bit difficult to navigate at 1st, i find this whole site slow but i dont want to nit-pick, the smiley - mod's are just dying for an excuse to yikes more of my postssmiley - laugh

ill go look for yours, failing that ill just leave my tw email in here for you, my stalkers know it already so its irrelevant to me now, like i said i dont use it anymore anyway smiley - smiley

off to ican brb -------->

smiley - fullmoon


Post 43


You found me Leg-End!

smiley - laughwell we're off to a good start, i found you too lol now try to remember where you put your post, thats where you'll find your replysmiley - winkeye

h2 moved it, when they interefed with peoples PS's, i had a direct link off my page which showed new posts now i with thanks to their interference, have to go onto the other site

just me using this name Leg-End, though i do have 'staff' who come on to work on my space from time to time, though they would never post in my name, i keep a tight rein on my 'staff' for want of a better wordsmiley - laugh

see you later,

smiley - fullmoon


Post 44

Man of Legend


Sent a PM and e-mail.

Speak soon



Post 45


Hello Leg-End,

im already 1 step ahead of you, replied to mail and the rest lol just got to find your post in ican now - see the spanner in the works here is h2smiley - laugh

catch you later - no escape now lolsmiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

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