This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

Happy Birthday.

Post 1

You can call me TC

.... echos round the room.........

*Clears throat and falteringly starts singing "Happy birthday to yooo--ooo"*

smiley - bubbly

Happy Birthday.

Post 2

Evil Zombie Strider

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

*stops trying before he gets strangled*

Anywho, happy birthday! smiley - bubbly

-Stridersmiley - footprints

Happy Birthday.

Post 3

Man of Legend


i'm lost. is this a standard automated message, or have you, some how, actually found out my birthday, and taken it upon your selfs to wish me a happy one. if you have i thank you, and i am sorry i haven't replied sooner as my pc hasn't had a sniff of the 'net for about two weeks.

thanks again

Happy Birthday.

Post 4

Evil Zombie Strider

We're real people who like to find people's birthdays and send friendly messages. We found your birthday from the birthday page

You're welcome! It's our pleasure.

smiley - footprints

Happy Birthday.

Post 5

Man of Legend


the wonders of h2g2, i can't say i'll have the dedication to do the same, so happy birthday to you both when it is yours.


Happy Birthday.

Post 6

Evil Zombie Strider

Thanks! smiley - ok I'll just remember it until then!

smiley - footprints

Happy Birthday.

Post 7

You can call me TC

I have the birthdays page as my starter page, so I don't forget it. Unfortunately, nearly everyone who put their name down there has now left the site, at least, it seems so.

Happy Birthday.

Post 8

Man of Legend

shame really, i wonder if it has anything to do with the beeb taking over. their terror tactics with that stupid panic button might have put a few people off. i know i would have liked to presented a different perspective on stuff (how student have been ripped-off for starters), but i feel threatened by a little button. you don't realise the freedom you have until you lose it.

oh, i've just remembered to change the age on my intro thingy.


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