A Conversation for Getting the best price on car rentals

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23757906 - Getting the best price on car rentals

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49 and thats a wrap

Entry: Getting the best price on car rentals - A23757906
Author: 49 and that's a wrap - U1900771

My first post - I don't think most people realize how Priceline works and this will save them lots of money.

A23757906 - Getting the best price on car rentals

Post 2


Hi 49

Good start I would like to know if this only works in the States or can it be used world wide. smiley - ok well done but more detail please.smiley - smiley

A23757906 - Getting the best price on car rentals

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A23757906 - Getting the best price on car rentals

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smiley - panda

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A23757906 - Getting the best price on car rentals

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