A Conversation for Drumline

Update Forum: A23695572 - Drumline

Post 1


Entry: Drumline - A23695572
Author: drumlinemuse - U8614310

Okay, this is for all you drumline people ot there. Do you guys think I did it justice?

A23695572 - Drumline

Post 2


Welcome Drumlinemuse smiley - smiley

I'm not sure if you did drumline justice. One thing you did do was submit the entry to a forum so that others could comment on it.

Unfortunately the Update forum is not the best one to submit it to. The one you need is the Peer Review (PR) forum. You will need to unsubscribe from the Update forum and resubmit to the PR one. Please post reply if it isn't clear how to do this. Lots of useful advice on PeerReview page.

A23695572 - Drumline

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I certainly think, with some work, it could be brought up to the level which peer review requires and entry to meet in order tfor it to become part of the edited guide.
At the moment the entry feels very rushed, and not necessarily laid out very methodically, perhaps it should be seperated into differnt sections? Also, how about some examples of music, naming groups and certain songs as good/typical examples of it? smiley - 2cents Perhaps you might like to have a look through the Guide, and browse edited entrys on the subject of various bits of music, to get more an idea of the way in which they're laid out and written... As someone who isn't necessarily famuliar with this subject matter, I'm not entirely sure that I totally got the idea even afte rreading it smiley - dohsmiley - magicsmiley - goodluck

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