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Well done Madent

Post 1


Well done on the quiz this week both you and Granny Weatherwax got 14/15 both of you forgot that i am a sneeky sod and got the trick question wrong(well done on geting the Micky Rooney question right i thought that was hard)

Well done Madent

Post 2


Hello again once more i have to drop by and say well done to both you and Granny Weatherwax the only question you both didn't know was that Sooty was made lord mayor of blackpool at first i thought this was a strange choice but most politicians have some one else in control of them.
Anyway 9/10 is once more a great score how are you on star trek voyager?

Well done Madent

Post 3


Thanks, TIMELORD. I felt sure that someone would have 10/10.

Crap on Voyager, but I'm prepared to give it a go smiley - smiley

Well done Madent

Post 4


Both you and Granny Weatherwax are giving me a little trouble this week with one answer in your case its number 10.In her case number 2 in which she give two answers one of which is correct in your case you are close but not quite right.
You both have 7/9 if i give both of you the last point or 8/10.
I think i will let Shazz have the last word.
Well done anyway

Well done Madent

Post 5


WELL DONE you won the quiz 10/10 i sent a little prize to Granny Weatherwax for doing so well on the quizs i think i sould now offer you the same if you sed your address with this weeks answers i will try and send a prize next week(however i have just started a new job so it might take a week or two)

Well done Madent

Post 6


Ok i am starting to think you are having me watched how did you spot that sneeky star trek question?
Sorry as yet i still have not got the prize for you i have a few small things i will be sending you i tend to throw things in like the odd post card a frisbee theres a R2D2 bag a doctor who flyer for the stage play and a few copyed pages from TIMELORD*.
I did look for you some thing to do with painting but it seemed like they only had things for children like painting by numbers or big sets that were about £40 which is a little out of my price range sorry to say.
I sent Granny a star trek mobile phone case but was not sure if you would like that kind of prize.

*TIMELORD was a fanzine i worked on back in the 1980's

P.S.I have from time to time phoned who wants to be a millionaire if i get on i might just be needing you phone number smiley - smiley

Well done Madent

Post 7


Mucho gracias, amigo smiley - biggrin

Well done Madent

Post 8


Thanks, Timelord.

Darth Maul will certainly keep me occupied over Easter smiley - ok
Thanks also for the rest of the goodies.

smiley - biggrin

Well done Madent

Post 9


That got there quick i only posted it yesterday hope you like it.

Well done Madent

Post 10


You did not have much to beat this week with only two people entering the quiz but well done once again.
The Darth moll you won was bought for you from a local sci-fi shop the rest of the things came from my own collection the yo yo was one of 6 i bought from a closing down sale last year the R2D2 was bought from a pound shop just last week while the buffy post card i saw while i was buying a few comics for last weeks quiz and as you did so well on the buffy quiz i thought you might like it(and the lass in the shop was being very nice about not charging me full price on some damaged comics)
I was thinking of adding a star wars cup but it just would not fit i also left out some pages of TIMELORD i was going to send you as i took them out to try and fit every thing else in and missed seeing them,the smiley frisbee come from the local video shop(i did have to chat up the lass behind the counter but i got quite a few of them Shazz Greebo and Granny Weatherwax have all had one and i still have a few left.

Well done Madent

Post 11


Well done again a winning return this weeks is a little tricker.

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