This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!

A series of challenges

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Seems like I'm having a series of challenges at the moment. I'm being investigated at the hospital at present - I get my insides looked at with a camera under anaesthetic next Thursday - might be either serious or less serious - I'll just have to wait and see. Little smiley - fish is not well at present, neither is my dad who's staying with me - nor is Roy - and on top of that, I'm not feeling at my best either. Mum is the only one of us who is running on a full battery at the moment. Thankfully, I sorted out my leaking ceiling and now there's a nice unbowed one. It's resulted in my needing to take lots of things out of the dining room and precipitating the clear-out that I'd intended to do. As I'm already doing that in other areas (this one wasn't scheduled for a while) it leaves me feeling that work is needed on all fronts at the same time - not a comfortable place to be. I burst into tears yesterday because of comments from Roy and my dad - how they expect me to do everything at once I don't know - maybe it's because they're not on top form either.

I applied for a new job - well it's a secondment internally - just before Christmas. I'm a bit concerned as I've heard nothing. I feel my application was strong enough, and that for an internal position, they should have told me one way or another if I've been shortlisted or not. Perhaps I'll have to wait unti I'm back at work, or maybe the job's already been lined up for someone else and they've just put out the advert for form's sake. I woke up last night thinking about work and what I needed to do. It's Christmas - I should be able to switch off, but I haven't been able to do so so far!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 2

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

It never rains but it pours huh? smiley - erm
smiley - hug

It's just a thought, but maybe a new job at this time is taking on a *little* bit too much?

Try to kick back a little and take some time out over the festive season to relax and forget about the job for the time being - if it's meant to be you have no need to worry about it.

smiley - hollysmiley - gift
smiley - bubbly

A series of challenges

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks for the wise words, LSF! smiley - hug

All I can do for my family is to flow with it and to make them as comfortable and as welcome as possible. Being ill makes people more grumpy than usual.

As the new job would be an internal one, I should hear either way, whether they intend to interview me or not, so it may be that either they haven't written to anyone, or that they have written to me and the letter has gone astray. It would be one that develops my project management skills. As you say, if it's meant to be, then it will come to me. Unfotunately, I don't seem to be able to turn off the thoughts that are waking me during the night. Well, once I'm awake, I do meditate which helps. I also reason with myself.

smiley - rosesmiley - hollysmiley - cracker

How's the little one?smiley - gift

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 4

You can call me TC

Happy Christmas, ladies. Hope you had a good time with baby, LSF.

ZSF - my gut feelings tell me that your examination will just prove to you that you're OK. *fingers crossed for Thursday*

A series of challenges

Post 5

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks, TC! I don't feel very worried, although one of the possible outcomes sounded very unpleasant. No use worrying until I know the results of the examination and tissue sample. It's what they used to call a D&C. Can't remember the current term.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 6


Hi, smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

We haven't spoken for a while. You seem to be a touch overwhelmed at the moment. I hope things sort themselves out soon, but don't let yourself be put upon. Unfortunately it is what we women seem to be good at.smiley - steam One of the lesser joys of Christmas it seems to me.

As for the D & C, I've had two in the past, and felt better for them each time - it is often only a clean out in effect, so I will wish you smiley - goodluck try not to worry.

You sound in real need of some TLC so smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle and let us know how you get on.

smiley - love

Websailorsmiley - dragon

A series of challenges

Post 7

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Websailorsmiley - dragon! smiley - hug

I was told the procedure would take only about 10 minutes and the doctor would generally be able to tell very quickly what was there and whether or not it was worrying or not. It's nice to hear that you had good experiences. The possibilities included cycts, polyps or cancer, although I truly feel that I haven't got the latter.

Yes, I probably do need a bit of TLC at the moment, however, my priority is looking after my family and the fact that they're not 100% means they need a bit more than usual. We might go out to see a film today.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 8

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

smiley - hug

Don't forget your Rescue Remedy and Arnica then smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote.
Maybe some other flower remedies may help you through this patch of horribleness.

The homoeopathic remedy Staphysagria may help with any angry or humiliated feelings provoked by the investigation.

The little 'un is growing well and seems to be coming out of her grumpy phase

A series of challenges

Post 9

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks for the links, LSF. I've bookmarked them. It had not occurred to me to take a remedy after the procedure and you've given me a very welcome reminder that there is something I can do.

So little 'un has been grumpy? What's her date, time and place of birth, LSF? I wonder what her human design is?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 10

You can call me TC

Best wishes to all of you at this relaxed time between Christmas and New Year. The 3 days of celebrating certainly put work out of my mind - even though I was rushed off my feet feeding large amounts of family and guests, but I really enjoyed that. I hope everyone else got to relax a bit, too, especially you, ZSF.

A D & C is not all that bad - I thought you were having a proctoscopy or something. (Is that what it's called in English?) Will still keep my fingers crossed, anyway. Will you know the results immediately?

A series of challenges

Post 11

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Apparently, what I'm having used to be called a D&C, TC - they're putting a camera inside me to have a look and they're also taking a tissue sample. I think it's properly called a hysteroscopy or something like that. I gather a proctoscopy is to do with the situpon.smiley - winkeye

My parents have now gone home - I took them to the station this afternoon, then had a nice relaxing bath after I came back. It wasn't really that relaxing with them - more like wall-to-wall catering, although we did go out to see King Kong and The Producers, which was fun.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 12

You can call me TC

I really enjoyed my D&C. I looked at the clock - it was 12 noon exactly when I was anaesthetised - and asked to see the instrument it was going to be done with. I woke again - still in the operating room - at 12.15 and felt fine. After that I spent a few days in hospital being pampered. A good rest - with a 4-year-old and a 6-year-old at home I could certainly do with one!

Exactly a year later - to the day! - I had another baby. He was 17 last month. smiley - wah doesn't time fly?!?

A series of challenges

Post 13

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - wow TC! That's comforting to know. I've been a bit worried about how I will feel afterwards. Looking on the internet, it looks an uncomfortable procedure and I wondered if I might need hygiene products afterwards. I'm not scheduled for any stay and no-one has advised I might need anyone to drive me home. Do you think I might need it?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 14

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Lilith was born 22nd October at 1.44pm in Frome, Somerset.
smiley - chick

The flower remedies may help with your general frame of mind at the moment ZSF, and arnica nearly always helps!

smiley - hug

A series of challenges

Post 15

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks for the reminder, LSF! smiley - hug I did as you suggested - Rescue Remedy and arnica.

I've replied to you separately about Lilith's human design.

The hysteroscopy wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as I had envisioned and it really helped to hear Websailor's and TC's experiences, which helped me to relax. The staff nurse was holding my hand during the poking about, but I don't think I needed it - I was consciously relaxed and interested in what was happening. I saw my insides on the screen, including the fallopian tubes, which just looked like black dots. The consultant told me I had a fibroid, but hadn't seen anything that looked worrying. I'm going to see him again in two weeks time.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 16

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, I forgot to say ... the job went to someone else. I wasn't shortlisted, as it went to a redeployee, so they didn't even consider my application, as far as I can see! smiley - cross However, I'm convinced that nothing goes wasted, so the work I did on the application form and time boning up on the job may come in useful at another time.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 17

You can call me TC

Fibroids are a bind. I'm surprised you didn't need sanny pads constantly while you had it. You're well rid of it.

Hope no fellas are reading this, because there's some smiley - yuk yukky stuff coming: I was relieved when my periods started when I had fibroids because the bleeding was less. Others who've been through it have confirmed that you can't leave the house for days on end.

A series of challenges

Post 18



I was told I had fibroids and that at some stage they would do something about it, but they never did!!! So far as I know I am none the worse for it, though seeing the end of periods was one of the great joys of my life, and the menopause was pretty much a doddle except for the memory lapses, which were frightening at first but gradually lessened.

Glad you have got the D & C (or whatever they call it now) over with. I m sure you will be better for it, but take it easy for a while, if you can. Though I don't think that is a concept you are very familiar with is itsmiley - huhsmiley - somersault

Sorry about the job but something better will come up I am sure.Perhaps they are saving you for a super onesmiley - rofl

Take care,

Websailorsmiley - dragon

A series of challenges

Post 19

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks for those words, TC and Websailor.

I spent a fair amount of yesterday ironing and most of today too, sorting out clothing, bagging up stuff little smiley - fish has grown out of to give to the charity shop, so I've hardly taken it easy. I also need to rationalise my own clothes, and I'm doing that too. I'm not going to think about anything else until I have that sorted. It's like the old saying:

Q - How do you eat an elephant?

A - One mouthful at a time!

and that's the attitude I'm taking at present.

Roy has been great - he's spent today sorting out my cellar. smiley - kiss

Roy thinks I should write saying how disappointed I am at having put lots of time and effort into my application, for it not to be looked at and to ask how my application matched up to their requirements, and to put down a marker saying I would be interested in anything similar that comes up. I'm not sure whether or not it will be helpful.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A series of challenges

Post 20


I suppose Roy's is a natural reaction, but in my experience they probably wouldn't reply and if they did I doubt it would be useful.

There is little compassion, loyalty or even good manners in the workplace these days it seems to me.

You can't do anything about it, so put it out of your mind. It sounds as if you have more than enough to think about, without dwelling on what might have been!

Happy New Year by the waysmiley - bubbly. Hope all is well with your general health now.

"inch by inch, life's a cinch
Yard by yard it's very hard"

means much the same as eating an elephant but better for the digestion smiley - smiley

smiley - goodluck
Websailorsmiley - dragon

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