This is the Message Centre for Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

zipping through

Post 1


hmm, i can't think of much to say, which is odd.... except, hello! smiley - bigeyes

zipping through

Post 2

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)



zipping through

Post 3

Artretia Dent

Hi from me too.
I thought your homepage would be interesting, and I wasn't disappointed.(of course, you are, after all, beeblebrox)

zipping through

Post 4

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

I thought your page was good too.

(see, just because our fathers' argued doesn't mean we have to too. Well, it would if I knew who Arthur was, which I don't OK?)

zipping through

Post 5

Artretia Dent

Hoopy, baby.
Well, I don't know my father either.
He disappeared.
What do you know? You seem to be hiding something...!!
Erm. How many heads / arms have you got?

zipping through

Post 6

Teaserman the Discontinuous

Hello. I am Teaserman. I am in the process of buzzing every forum in the H2G2 universe. Buzz. Thank you.

zipping through

Post 7

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

just the two. That's arms!

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